Wifi, Bt, Sd1 And Sd2 Activity Logos ?


Still Fresh
Feb 10, 2009
Hello, I've searched on the forums, and didn't find any topic that is related to the activity LEDs' logos. The only ones I've seen are on this render : http://www.gp32x.de/PandaFront.jpg
But they are not really logos. I thought it would be cool to put logos instead of titles.
I've made a little set of logos, with official ones (for SD, Bluetooth and WiFi). I've also made logos without the copyrighted logos, but not for Bluetooth, as I didn't find how to represent it ...

Tell me what you think about that please :)


I have them in vector format, so they can be easily resized. And they are in black here, but would be white on the black plastic of the Pandora if they are used on it.

Edit: added the power, battery and mic icons (+ another SD icon)

Edit2: added the headphone and reduced the size of the image
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Neat idea, but as ED's post on the keyboard saga suggested, there will probably be some form of licensing fee to use a logo, which will not be viable. The keyboard thread suggested a certain font was being used due to the costs of using a standard typeface being too excessive for use.

That's the crazy world we live - you think something is a universally accepted standard - until you find some bugger owns the copyrights and you have to license from that bugger
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'RajTakhar' said:
Neat idea, but as ED's post on the keyboard saga suggested, there will probably be some form of licensing fee to use a logo, which will not be viable. The keyboard thread suggested a certain font was being used due to the costs of using a standard typeface being too excessive for use.

That's the crazy world we live - you think something is a universally accepted standard - until you find some bugger owns the copyrights and you have to license from that bugger
Yep, I know about copyrights and all this stuff, that's why I drew other logos. I don't think the SD card shape is copyrighted, neither is the antennae ;)
I'll have to find one for Bluetooth. And an investigation should be done to know if it would be legal to use these logos ... Who knows, we can maybe use them ? ;)
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Regarding the bluetooth/Wifi logo. There is a licensed bluetooth device inside and also a licensed Wifi device, so shouldn't the right to put the logo on the box or the case be included in that license? An extra license just for the logos?
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'mali' said:
Regarding the bluetooth/Wifi logo. There is a licensed bluetooth device inside and also a licensed Wifi device, so shouldn't the right to put the logo on the box or the case be included in that license? An extra license just for the logos?
I was thinking something like that ... Pandora has a wifi and a bluetooth device. But if there is a specific license for the logo, we cannot use them. I really hope there isn't one :( As it would like much better.
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Don't forget there's also two seperate licenses to use the SD logo. The license for the use of the trademark seems to be $1,000 per year, but thats only valid if you have a license to use SD technology already ($2,000 - $4,500).
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Look nice :)

I prefer the bottom SD setup with the 1 & 2 at either side and the SD card in the middle.

If you don't mind a little criticism.. Remove the white bits from the microphone and the battery. They will look a lot neater without them IMO. You don't need the two spikes coming out of the microphone because If they are removed, it will leave you with 3 spikes anyway.

What a scam having to pay for something like that. How can they be called the standard logo's if people have to pay to use them??
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'Tripmonkey_uk' said:
Look nice :)

I prefer the bottom SD setup with the 1 & 2 at either side and the SD card in the middle.

If you don't mind a little criticism.. Remove the white bits from the microphone and the battery. They will look a lot neater without them IMO. You don't need the two spikes coming out of the microphone because If they are removed, it will leave you with 3 spikes anyway.

What a scam having to pay for something like that. How can they be called the standard logo's if people have to pay to use them??
Hello, I prefer the one you prefer too !
I accept criticism, and the white parts in the logos, are in fact transparent areas :) They wouldn't have been in the final logos, that's because i'm a little lazy, and I'll remove them soon !
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You can work around licenses, I guess... You can use a stack of platters to signify storage (HDD like) or a lighting bolt to indicate charging... Just use your imagination!

Oh, and someone should post a headphones logo, too. :)
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It's not like any of this is going to be used.. ED and such will probably just do what they want. Nice try though. :lol:
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'Vorporeal' said:
Keep in mind that all of this will be printed in white on a black background.
Of course, I just made them black to keep a transparent background and always see them against the clear background of the forum.

'GoodLawd' said:
You can work around licenses, I guess... You can use a stack of platters to signify storage (HDD like) or a lighting bolt to indicate charging... Just use your imagination!

Oh, and someone should post a headphones logo, too. :)
What would you like to do an HDD icon for ?
Yep, I'll do an headphone icon.

'adamorjames' said:
It's not like any of this is going to be used.. ED and such will probably just do what they want. Nice try though. :lol:
Of course, they do what they want, I only wanted to contribute to this wonderful console. And make it even better, if they use the icons I made, that's cool, if not too.
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'PhenXDesign' said:
Here we are, I removed the white areas :)
Spot on :D

Why not release them under a creative commons licence?
I think ED & co. would be more likely to use stuff like this if they know that someone can't turn around in a couple of months time and tell them that they can't use it any more. They are running a business after all and releasing under a specific licence just gives people peace of mind.
If they don't want to use them, then some one else just might :)
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'Squidge' said:
Don't forget there's also two seperate licenses to use the SD logo. The license for the use of the trademark seems to be $1,000 per year, but thats only valid if you have a license to use SD technology already ($2,000 - $4,500).
and people wonder why standards are oft ignored...
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'adamorjames' said:
It's not like any of this is going to be used.. ED and such will probably just do what they want. Nice try though. :lol:
And why exactly shouldn't we use them?
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As far as I can tell the SD, Bluetooth and wifi logos are the only ones that would require a fee. everything else is just a general logo. The power icon is the universal symbol, it's like the icons put on clothing labels for washing instructions.
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'Alpha2' said:
As far as I can tell the SD, Bluetooth and wifi logos are the only ones that would require a fee. everything else is just a general logo. The power icon is the universal symbol, it's like the icons put on clothing labels for washing instructions.
Yep, they are free alternatives to the licensed logos. I should have mentioned it on the image. I drew them myself, taking inspiration from existing ones for a some of them. IMO, the patented WiFi logo shouldn't be used, as the antennae would be much better. The BT logo could be used, the SD one too, but the free icons could be used without any problem, as I think they represent very well the device.
The patented logos would be very well placed at the back of the Pandora, or at the bottom, under the keyboard, like the MS Windows/Intel/AMD logos on any laptop. That would make the Pandora much more "pro".
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