Wii Preorders With Play


Sep 19, 2005
I got this email from Play.com saying I would not be getting a Wii on launch as it's first come first serve but i know I placed the preorder minutes after they put it up on there site.
I wanted to know if anyone else who preordered from play got this email?

Dear Customer,

Due to a European shortage of the Nintendo Wii Consoles, we regret to
inform you that Play.com will be unable to supply your pre-ordered
Nintendo Wii at launch. As an Official distributor of Nintendo products we
are guaranteed more stock before Christmas, but Nintendo have informed
us, along with all other official Nintendo retailers, that the console
will not be freely available until next year.

All pre-orders will be fulfilled on a first come, first served basis
and we will fulfil your order as soon as we can.

If you no longer wish to keep your pre-order with Play.com please login
to your account and remove the item from your Outstanding Orders.

Kind Regards

i didnt get one........, i preordered on the 15th or 14th of sept, it was the friday they officially released the euro price details. was this first day of them taking preorders?
I got that email too. And I also placed my order on the 15th of Sept. Cancelled it with play now and pre-ordered at a HMV store instead.
anyone else preordered with play and not recieved the email. thing is ive been having a shit load of spam mail lately and unless my mail looks interesting i delete it. what did it say in the subject of the email?
didnt think i need to make a new thread as its very similar but i got an email form hmv saying the same thing :( thats hmv and play now :(. Still got one with GAME and somewhere else i think and will probably preorder when amzon.co.uk starts doin it.
ofcourse ive got a hdtv ! But im not sure if i will need ot buy a cable or somethin for the ps3 as ive heard it dosnt come with a hd cable ? shoudl find out tomorrow as on the tracking thing for my ps3 it says its awaiting presentation to customs commisioner or somethin.
can someone tell me what the subject of the email was please? im not sure if i deleted or not, i usually do if its from play cause its usually a news letter or somethin, thanks.
ofcourse ive got a hdtv ! But im not sure if i will need ot buy a cable or somethin for the ps3 as ive heard it dosnt come with a hd cable ? shoudl find out tomorrow as on the tracking thing for my ps3 it says its awaiting presentation to customs commisioner or somethin.

:o :o :o Be prepaired for a big customs charge :( :(

Surely for the price of the console they would include the HD cable :(

Anyway, I cant wait till you get the PS3 as its always good to know someone that has played (or will soon have played) all the nex gen consoles :D :)
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I told him to put the real price of the ps3 or less and he said he would mark it as gift but that dosnt make any difference as its over £36. I know all about customs charges and stuff.

Actually right now i need to pay fedex and dhl customs charges but i just cant be arsed :P.

I would have played them all by the end of the week if my pre order with dvdboxoffice was ok but i didnt pre order it early enough wich is good coz if not id be skint :(.

I dont really know why im buying them all coz im not really into games like i used too be i think im just tryin to force myself into them again :P