Will Pandora's Mame Port Match The Mame Project Versions?


Jul 30, 2006
Since the Pandora will be substantially speedy, will MAME be ported over to match current mame project versions? Also, what version of mame are the pandora demo videos using?
Whoever does the port, I would imagine initially it would be 0.37b5 (same as MAME4ALL) as it wouldn't require a lot of work to get this done. Most of which would be coding replacements for Rlyeh's minimal lib. Just speculating though.

That would most likely mean fullspeed of most of the games that it can emulate, such as R-Type and Mortal Kombat. With analog controllers thrown it, it will be a pretty awesome platform for portable MAME.
slaanesh said:
That would most likely mean fullspeed of most of the games that it can emulate, such as R-Type and Mortal Kombat. With analog controllers thrown it, it will be a pretty awesome platform for portable MAME.
Not sure what will be better, 60fps Outrun, or being able to play Food Fight properly with the analog. :)
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slaanesh said:
Whoever does the port, I would imagine initially it would be 0.37b5 (same as MAME4ALL) as it wouldn't require a lot of work to get this done. Most of which would be coding replacements for Rlyeh's minimal lib. Just speculating though.

I meant to write Franxis or Slaanesh in the title! How would v.106, v.118, or the current v.126 version run if it were to be coded at those versions?
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Well Franxis doesn't seem to be interested in the Pandora, but Laurent has said he'd be willing to port Mame.
Hirolaser said:
Well Franxis doesn't seem to be interested in the Pandora..
Surely ye jest!?

I would be very interested to here why Franxis is not interested in Pandora, what with he being the main dude behind arguably THE killer app for the '2X.

I thought he would've been sent a MK0 anyway- no?
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danboid said:
I would be very interested to here why Franxis is not interested in Pandora
Pandora has lots of excitement, anticipation and hype in gp32x.de, but only here. Their developers must really start a marketing campaign in the outer world ;) Keep in mind that Franxis spends most of his time in gp32spain.com, where the Pandora is not currently a popular device at all (ugly, expensive, not internationalized, not clear applications, unfair practices, too delayed are common opinions there)

Please, keep in mind that this is the opinion of many people in gp32spain about the Pandora, but I do not know the personal opinion of Franxis. As far as I know, he never expressed his personal opinion about the Pandora.

Anyway, Fat Agnus asked for the version of mame in current videos. As I understood, they do not use Mame but Final Burn Alpha, a similar multiarcade emulator. Final Burn Alpha uses a modern romset even on the Gp2x.
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juanvvc said:
Please, keep in mind that this is the opinion of many people in gp32spain about the Pandora
Oh those crazy Spanish people what will they do next? ;)

Not meant to be offensive
Not meant to be offensive
Not meant to be offensive
Not meant to be offensive
Not meant to be offensive
Not meant to be offensive
Not meant to be offensive
Not meant to be offensive
Not meant to be offensive
Not meant to be offensive
Not meant to be offensive

Just sayin' that's all.
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juanvvc said:
danboid said:
I would be very interested to here why Franxis is not interested in Pandora
Pandora has lots of excitement, anticipation and hype in gp32x.de, but only here. Their developers must really start a marketing campaign in the outer world ;) Keep in mind that Franxis spends most of his time in gp32spain.com, where the Pandora is not currently a popular device at all (ugly, expensive, not internationalized, not clear applications, unfair practices, too delayed are common opinions there)

Please, keep in mind that this is the opinion of many people in gp32spain about the Pandora, but I do not know the personal opinion of Franxis. As far as I know, he never expressed his personal opinion about the Pandora.

Its a good point that easy to forget that the hype in 'here' may not be matched elsewhere... Not intending to shoot the messenger, but taking the points in turn:

Ugly - beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that, but I think its defintely improving. I also think its one of those things that will seem very different when you see the finished article in the flesh.

Expensive - in comparison to gp2x, yes. And whilst its good value, that doesn't mean it isn't expensive and is no doubt going to be a problem of sorts.

Not Internationalized - this one intrigues me. I wonder how the gp2x / gp32 were more internationalized... ?

Unfair Practices - ? the mind boggles. Is Craig being blamed for the end of the gp2x? Seems 'a tadge' harsh :p

Not Clear Applications - we'll need to wait and see on that really.

Delayed - no argument, apart from better to be late and great than early and... (whats rubbish and ryhmes with early)

I guess my point is that is easy to wonder why on earth they aren't 'on board', but perhaps if it was a key member of the spanish team who had created a non-linear successor to the gp2x many on hear would be uneasy.

Lets hope when its out it collectively 'brings them round' as there are a lot of talented developers within that forum and would be a pity to split the community.
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Oh those crazy Spanish people what will they do next? Lurkio, we will send the great armada to invade you. All your Pandoras are belong to us! :)

AndyB911, little explanations of two unclear points:

How the gp2x / gp32 were more internationalized... ? No keyboard :) We use some weird characters, you know: áéíóúüñ¡¿ Other Spanish languages uses a couple more àèòïç And that's only in Spain, French people for example do not use a qwerty at all and have even more characters. Yes, I'm sure that there will be some alternative way to introduce these characters, but, look, we use them very often. That huge keyboard is actually only comfortable for English people.

Is Craig being blamed for the end of the gp2x? In short, yes, he is. But I find this a funny argument, because we live in a competitive, commercial world :)
juanvvc said:
Lurkio, we will send the great armada to invade you. All your Pandoras are belong to us! :)
And on the way the ships will be blown away in a storm and they will all die. History lesson for all you kids.

But yeah, it's quite a shame that gp32spain doesn't care for Pandora. I suppose I see your point about the keyboard, but, if Pandora is to be sold in a global market, it's much better off selling with a qwerty keyboard. Those special characters are unique to individual languages, and if Pandora is to be sold to any country (just look at the what country are you from thread in the GP2X general forum) there's no point in localizing for all those languages when most people will be able to speak english anyways.
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juanvvc said:
Oh those crazy Spanish people what will they do next? Lurkio, we will send the great armada to invade you. All your Pandoras are belong to us! :)
I knew that my weather machine would come in handy someday. ;)
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juanvvc said:
Is Craig being blamed for the end of the gp2x? In short, yes, he is. But I find this a funny argument, because we live in a competitive, commercial world :)
Holy shit. Not GPH then?

I also seem to remember I was blamed somehow for the death of the GP32 in Spain too?

I do read the Spanish forum sometimes, I have an account there, but my Spanish isn't so great. I'm aware of the general dislike of the Pandora (although not everyone seems to hate it) what are the other forum users planning to buy to replace the GP2X now production has stopped?
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craigix said:
juanvvc said:
Is Craig being blamed for the end of the gp2x? In short, yes, he is. But I find this a funny argument, because we live in a competitive, commercial world :)
Holy shit. Not GPH then?

I also seem to remember I was blamed somehow for the death of the GP32 in Spain too?

I do read the Spanish forum sometimes, I have an account there, but my Spanish isn't so great. I'm aware of the general dislike of the Pandora (although not everyone seems to hate it) what are the other forum users planning to buy to replace the GP2X now production has stopped?

That seems incredibly unfair that they would blame you. It's not like you stopped production. Hell you kept it going as long as you could. Perhaps production would've stopped earlier without you.

Maybe they plan on going for Gizmondo 2 ;)
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shouldn't it be pretty easy to relabel the keyboard or just use the fn-key to trigger for certain individual signs? I think that is one of the uses xmodmap is made for and I will use it for äöü and ß in german.
Ha! It will work this time! D'you hear about he global warming? It's summer out there! (¿sí, maestro armero? Holydays? How can galley slaves have holydays?) Oh, damn, maybe next year.

guadomatic said:
if Pandora is to be sold in a global market, it's much better off selling with a qwerty keyboard
I agree with that, but if there are some posts by English speakers of this forum that ask to remove the keyboard, imagine the number of foreign people that find it useless. By the way, we use an extended version of qwerty. It's French that do not use qwerty :)

Craigix, we live in a free economy and you can develop a competitor to the Gp2x. I find as unfair as stupid to blame you for that. It's more about some "unfortunate" comments that you seem to make from time to time. I think that they are completely acceptable in a commercial "war", but some people think that they are not fair play. There is more "Craigix dislike" than "Pandora dislike" :)

But this is not a general feeling, of course. I think that most people is just waiting to see what happens. I do not know what Pandora haters will buy when the Gp2x cycle ends. I expect that this cycle will last for a year at most, but I'm sure that you are not so optimistic to think that there won't be any competitor to the Pandora within that time.
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Fat Agnus said:
I meant to write Franxis or Slaanesh in the title! How would v.106, v.118, or the current v.126 version run if it were to be coded at those versions?
Probably not that great. You're losing a fair bit of speed for little gain IMHO. Sure you get the latest ROMs but there's an awful lot of overhead in the latest versions.
Personally I feel that most of the good games that you would want emulated were done many years ago at around the version that MAME4ALL is at anyway. There are some exceptions but they're pretty few and far between.
The best edition in the latest versions of MAME has been discrete sound. No more fake simulation of sound or samples but true generated sound as it originally was. Donkey Kong and Galaga have never sounded as authentic as they do in the current versions of MAME.
For classic arcade gaming, MAME4ALL covers pretty much everything. Let me know what's missing?

MAME on the Pandora will be amazing. The high-resolution screen will be great for vertical-aspect games. No need to rotate the device (not sure if this is comfortably possible now anyway). This and Nethack is what I think will be my killer apps.
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Back onto the topic, I'm slightly disappointed that only 0.37 romsets will be ported on to Pandora's MAME. I hope that will improve in time. MAME and N64 are the 2 emulators that I'm most looking forward to seeing improvement on, relative to my PSP. MAME on PSP was painfully slow.

That said, there's several old roms that barely worked on my PSP and XSCALE pocketPC that I'd like to see working well on Pandora. Like Altered Beast, Super Contra and Splatterhouse.
slaanesh said:
The high-resolution screen will be great for vertical-aspect games. No need to rotate the device (not sure if this is comfortably possible now anyway).
The Pandora's screen isn't that big so vertical games without rotate it will look too small.
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