Wiz-Atari 5200 Question


Still Fresh
Hello all,
I'm trying to use the Atari 5200 emulator Wiz-ATARI. I can get the cartridges to load and get in to the start of the games. However, I can't seem to get the START button to work. For example, in Realsports baseball - I can sucessfully use the virtual keyboard to enter # 0 and * to change the options. If I try to use the START from the virtual keyboard, it does not work. The README.txt is slightly confusing (at least for me). I would think Ltrigger + Up would be start:

LTrigger mapping :

WIZ Atari

X Save state
Y Load state
B Joystick

Up Console Start

It doesn't seem to work for me, however. Can anyone help me out?

You can remap the key you want using the "keyboard" menu. If you change and save your keyboard mapping on emu startup, then it will be loaded by default.
This port has been previously done with consoles (such as PSP) having two pads (analog one, and digital one), and the "UP" key doesn't exist on Wiz only if you change the "Swap analog/cursor" option in the joystick settings menu.