Wiz News Front Page

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Damn, I go to the Pandora section and people are bitchin' because they haven't received their handheld yet and it's a conspiracy to steal their money. I come here and people are bitchin' that there's a conspiracy to stop the Wiz from doing well so Pandora can steal all the glory. No wonder I took a break from this place for a while. Uhg!
Well I can squash the "conspiracy to steal money" part about the Pandora. I am one of the ones working on it. Yes it is definetly real, Yes is is pretty close, and no there is no stealing going on. Things like this just take time and sometimes things come up that you don't expect which sometimes translates into a delay. (look how many times the much simpler Wiz was delayed) Plus we don't want to release a dodgy product that has problems. Reality is a bitch. What I can say is that things are moving forward and the Pandora will be released soon.

Remember a bad product is bad forever, a delay is only temporary.
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Plus we don't want to release a dodgy product that has problems. Reality is a bitch. What I can say is that things are moving forward and the Pandora will be released soon.

Remember a bad product is bad forever, a delay is only temporary.
I know. I've certainly seen enough to be convinced. I haven't posted any conspiracy theories about Pandora since early December when, quite frankly, it looked really, really bad. Even then, I said that I didn't think that it was a scam (although wasn't brave enough to send cash). That hasn't stopped this from coming up at least once or twice a month since then though.

I'm in agreement with you as are most people around here. Make Pandora kick as much ass as possible by getting it right the first time.
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When I say "news", I really mean software releases. That is what has been traditionally on the front page. I don't think it's a conspiracy,
Well, firstly, the board is that integrated that every software release is shown on the main page. It takes someone to actually post in the news section, and for a mod to accept it as front-page material.
But then again, a box was forgotten to be ticked for both Wiz and Pandora, and anyone could post news without a mod accepting it since February'08 as I can see (probably earlier). Thats now been fixed. It seems another box needs to be fixed.

But then of course, the news has to be authorised by us mods, and since we are all pro-Pandora and anti-Wiz, thats unlikely to happen ;)

(BTW, there's no dingo news on the front page either, so actually, I'd say this board is heavily biased in the direction of the GP2X, as thats the only front page news there is :p)
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It is just like astrology, ESP, UFOs, 9/11 conspiracies etc. I seriously doubt there is any conspiracy against the Wiz or any other system here.
well at least the 9/11 conspiracy theory holds water.
As much water as a sieve. I consider myself left-leaning and hate Bush but I admit I don't believe those 911 conspiracies for a second.
there's some evidence for it, albeit far from decisive (and the conspiracy theory of pandora bias is purely speculative, to stay on topic). but i consider myself independent.
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Hando is working on a complete change of the frontpage (wordpress with news from board).
The news posts at the moment which appear on the frontpage are basically just hacked in. He doesn't want to hack in more when he's already working on the new frontpage...

And no, there are neither Pandora nor WIZ news on front, there is no conspiracy nor bias going on, it's just that hando hasn't changed anything there since the GP2X.
Hey, there isn't any Wiz news posted on my ass. Someone must have forgotten to check my box.
People have noticed. Franxis was saying the same thing, that it was done deliberately because this website is anti-Wiz. But if there's one thing you should know about gp32x, it's that when something is broken it often doesn't get fixed for a while.
Someone like Franxis would say that though - he's rabidly anti-pandora and hilariously pro-wiz.

I just don't see how you think that moderators or admins here are biased against the Wiz, especially to the point where they're deliberately trying to hurt it by withholding news :/

The only people that are hurting the Wiz are GPH as far as I can see. I mean, have you read Fluffy's thread about Wiz "feedback"? More like a thread for people to bitch about what's gone spectacularly wrong - all over again, like the GP2X. I've read that thread with each update and it just pushes me further and further away from wanting a Wiz, to the point that I ordered an A320 and love it to bits.

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Someone like Franxis would say that though - he's rabidly anti-pandora and hilariously pro-wiz.

The only people that are hurting the Wiz are GPH as far as I can see. I mean, have you read Fluffy's thread about Wiz "feedback"? More like a thread for people to bitch about what's gone spectacularly wrong - all over again, like the GP2X. I've read that thread with each update and it just pushes me further and further away from wanting a Wiz, to the point that I ordered an A320 and love it to bits.

And someone like Exophase would say you seem not fair because the Pandora doesn't exist yet.

Your reasoning about Wiz and GPH is to be framed...

Good luck with the A320, a closed console bought thanks to emulators stealed from their authors.

Definitively your avatar makes sense...
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The only people that are hurting the Wiz are GPH as far as I can see. I mean, have you read Fluffy's thread about Wiz "feedback"? More like a thread for people to bitch about what's gone spectacularly wrong - all over again, like the GP2X.
Actually that thread has become more like a wish list, and not the bitch fest as you're making it out to be.
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Another point, since ED should be "neutral" he shouldnt change or modify the page at all. I bet as soon as he started changing things people would start throwing the accusations again.

Im going to say this again, my development unit came from ED (exophase's too i think). Its so utterly absurd that he has a bias against it. You could say he was most supportive of all by sending the dev's units out. I dont think anyone else other than gph has sent any.

Its pretty simple what has happened, the front page hasnt been updated in ages. Look how long it took the forums themselves to be updated. The simple conclusion is that Hando hasnt taken any time to change it. I think it was even stated back when the forum change was happening that Hando would be working on improving it soon.

Come on guys take off the the tinfoil hats and dump the conspiracy theories.
Damn, I go to the Pandora section and people are bitchin' because they haven't received their handheld yet and it's a conspiracy to steal their money. I come here and people are bitchin' that there's a conspiracy to stop the Wiz from doing well so Pandora can steal all the glory. No wonder I took a break from this place for a while. Uhg!
Well I can squash the "conspiracy to steal money" part about the Pandora. I am one of the ones working on it. Yes it is definetly real, Yes is is pretty close, and no there is no stealing going on. Things like this just take time and sometimes things come up that you don't expect which sometimes translates into a delay. (look how many times the much simpler Wiz was delayed"] Plus we don't want to release a dodgy product that has problems. Reality is a bitch. What I can say is that things are moving forward and the Pandora will be released soon.[/quote]Remember a bad product is bad forever, a delay is only temporary.

I don't think that anyone thinks it is not going to show up and that it's just a scam. Some, very few at that, just want to complain that it's not here yet.

I certainly don't think anyone is wondering how they can kill the wiz and make more Pandora customers, I just think people would be more motivated for their baby then a different one.
We can sit here and argue about who kills what, but how do you get the problem fixed so that the wiz stuff shows up on the front page? And why was the message I put in the gp2x section deleted?

edit: ED gets the benefit of the doubt and guess the rest do as well... But I really wish that new software releases were on the front page since it will help with awareness and keeping track of what is going on.

PS. As a James Randi fan (and an atheist to boot), I am usually pretty skeptical of claims of conspiracies and it's kinda funny that I am buying into this one. At least it's harmless.
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Someone like Franxis would say that though - he's rabidly anti-pandora and hilariously pro-wiz.

The only people that are hurting the Wiz are GPH as far as I can see. I mean, have you read Fluffy's thread about Wiz "feedback"? More like a thread for people to bitch about what's gone spectacularly wrong - all over again, like the GP2X. I've read that thread with each update and it just pushes me further and further away from wanting a Wiz, to the point that I ordered an A320 and love it to bits.

And someone like Exophase would say you seem not fair because the Pandora doesn't exist yet.
It doesn't exist, and yet you're rabidly opposed to it. You're opposed to an imaginary handheld. Wow, you're really logical there,by your own admission.

Your reasoning about Wiz and GPH is to be framed...

And how many problems have people raised so far then? How many of those could have been avoided if GPH had been even a tiny bit competent?

Good luck with the A320, a closed console bought thanks to emulators stealed from their authors.

To be fair, I didn't buy it for the emulators. Doesn't appear closed to me, either - I'm having no problems coding for it. You might judge a console based on what emulators are available for it, but not everybody does.

Definitively your avatar makes sense...

I'm assuming you know nothing about a few things I'm associated with. The avatar is appropriate in a few ways. I'm heavily into the Sinclair Spectrum scene, and have co-authored one of the most accurate emulators yet seen. I've also developed a rather neat IDE for writing Speccy software. My name (Dunny) is australian slang for "toilet", and the graphic used is from one of the best games ever released for the Speccy, Jet Set Willy. Clear now? No, don't thank me, I can tell your knowledge of retro-gaming is poor.

Still, I'd expect that from someone who is so rabidly (and incomprehensibly) opposed to an imaginary console.

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And it's a wonderful little machine. I love it - much nicer than GP2X. I'm already coding my second Wiz game on it :)

I can't thank Clare enough :D
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And no, there are neither Pandora nor WIZ news on front, there is no conspiracy nor bias going on, it's just that hando hasn't changed anything there since the GP2X.
What about Dingoo? The Dingoo has a news forum too, and no posts on the front page. Are you anti-Dingoo? ;)

and why is Dingoo above GP2X? Surely the GP2X should be higher ;)

(Sorry about that, but maybe now people will understand how ridiculous there posts are...)
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