Wonky Tusk


Nihilistic Mystic
Feb 28, 2014
I had the Smithsonian Channel on after watching a segment of a show about the upcoming film about Alan Turing.  I left it on after that ended.  Another show came on about elephants, which included one they kept calling "Wonky Tusk" because she had one facing the wrong way.  Maybe she can be the Pyra spokesmodel or unofficial mascot.
Here is a link to the show.
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Yes, but he was deemed unacceptable during his life, and is also now dead.  A great man to be sure, and a "hero" of mine.
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Alan Turing deserves a great deal of respect, but perhaps more fitting is Konrad Zuse, the builder of the first programmable (turing-complete) computer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konrad_Zuse

It is perhaps unsurprising that I never heard of Zuse during my computer science studies in the USA. History in the US is severely politicized.

Edit he was also the first to develop a high level programming language. Also the first to suggest that the universe runs on a cellular atomaton.  If he were born in the US he would be a household name.
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