

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
I was directed to the website wwwtxt.org a little while ago, and figured that I'd share it here. It's a site that features little snippets of preserved text from the "electronic frontier"-type days of the internet, which is defined by the site as being between circa 1988 to 1994.

It's pretty interesting stuff. You can see that;

Some things never change. See also: Here (I wonder if they ever finished the game, and what the art submissions were?), here, and here.

Concerns about censorship have always been around.

Some folks have always made errors about what technologies will prevail. (Wait... You all remember when MiniDiscs took over from CDs and made CD shops obsolete, right?
) See pair of , and , for other examples.

Once upon a time, . Whoever would have imagined that even all these years on, people still don't realise that GUIs and CLIs are both simply tools and that there's a valid place for both?


, and folks stuff now .

, and .

There were even whether .

and of , , and still prevailed.


All in all, it's fascinating reading, and they regularly add new snippets to the site - it's well worth checking in on every now and then. I hope you all find it as interesting as I do. :)
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I am halfway through these quotes and really enjoying it, though it would be nice, if they would tell which source they are from.
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though it would be nice, if they would tell which source they are from.
I think that the charm of it is that they don't tell you, myself.

It was recommended to me after I mentioned to a friend that fortune files give interesting little insights into a largely anonymous chunk of historical snippets in text form. The similarity to fortune files is why I like that approach. :p