Yamagi Quake2 Opengl-Es [Caanoo And Wiz]


Mega GP Mania
May 30, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
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Ive been working with the yamagi quake2 port and it now works on the caanoo and wiz with OpenGL-ES acceleration. It runs pretty well for the caanoo and wiz.
So far I have not seen any textures drop and without needing to shrink any of them.
The wiz version does have a hack to decrease memory use, I had it lock up once. So long periods of playing may cause it to lock up.

All buttons can map to a key, and a/b/x/y are all enabled to trigger maps if pressed at the same time, for instance A+X will do F1.
Expansion support is provided, but i didnt test on the caanoo or wiz.
I used the quake 1 bar graphic for caanoo, so if anyone comes up with a better one ill include it.



Original Source

Converted Source
Broken Caanoo link (openpandora repo xD).
Thanks for the port! :D
I'll try it! :D

I've noticed significant emulation drops when there are a lot of enemies.
On a positive note: the texture quality is way better than any previous port (comparing to Ioquake2 for Wiz)

Is there any way to optimize performance tweaking the options menu?
changing to a smaller frame and applying 8bit textures seem to have little effect.

Anyway, great port! thanx again.
jonez said:

I've noticed significant emulation drops when there are a lot of enemies.
On a positive note: the texture quality is way better than any previous port (comparing to Ioquake2 for Wiz)

Is there any way to optimize performance tweaking the options menu?
changing to a smaller frame and applying 8bit textures seem to have little effect.

Anyway, great port! thanx again.

Its better looking because its the first time quake2 has been released using the gpu, through opengles.
but of course the gpu is pretty slow (compared to other mobile gpus). I dont think theres much that can be done to make it much faster.
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Yeah, Jones beat me to it. Beautiful textures but it slows down when there's alot going on. Even froze on me once with multiple enemies on screen. Changing the clock speed in the .gpe file seems to have helped a little. My Caanoo freezes at 800mhz so I set it to 790.
This is quite nice, too bad it is actually quite choppy at times.
Is there a way to disable the buttom combinations though? (A+X does F1 etc) - it's a bit annoying when I can't hold my strafing button and shoot at the same time (It could help to just use different buttons, but regardless, it is still quite annoying).

Will be waiting for any updates!

Thanks a lot! =D
Wow thank you :)

Lot of texture improvement. Any idea for speed hacks / speed improvement? The line with

#/mnt/sd/cpu --frequency 700

was out commented. May I ask why? I removed the comment.
The OGLES converted source has compiled for me on my Pandaboard, I'm just unsure how I get OGLES rendering enabled as its only using the SDL software/MESA renderer for me right now.

If any other Pandaboard users want to hack the current converted source to run, make the following changes to the Makefile:

1 - Find and replace all instances of PANDORA with armv7l

2 - Line 40 - change prefix to just /usr

3 - Line 241 - change -lGLES_CM to -lGLESv1_CM

4 - Comment out lines 31-35

That got Yamagi Q2 OGLES compiling for me, but I couldn't get it running unless I started it like this:

./quake2 +set vid_fullscreen 0

To run it in windowed mode.

It'd be fantastic if we can get OGLES working on the Pandaboard and then include Panda (and likely beagleboard too) support included in the next release as this is one of a very few (literally) open source games with OGLES support.

Thanks for your help!

I've been trying commands like this:

./quake2 +set vid_fullscreen 0 +set vid_ref glx +set gl_driver /usr/lib/libGLESv1_CM.so

./quake2 +set vid_fullscreen 0 +set vid_ref gl +set gl_driver /usr/lib/libGLESv1_CM.so

As both root and a regular user but still I end up with the MESA software renderer.
Hi Pickle!

As I said first off in my first post to this thread, I'm using your 'converted source'


If thats what you mean by eglport code and I'm pretty sure I documented all the changes I made to the makefile in that post too.

I found this thread on the RPi forums where somebody says they got yQ2 running with GLES on the RPi but sadly his git repo link doesn't work anymore:


If he can get in it working on the RPi and you can get it working on Pandora there's no reason it shouldn't work on Pandaboard too, but sadly he's not documented his RPi specific tweaks although I've not tried contacting him yet. I also noticed a post from you Pickle on the RPi forums but due to your response I can safely assume you've still not got yours right?
The RPi thread was talking about that is could work, but as far as I know no one has. I do have my board but havnt had the time to dive into gles programming for it.

The keys for you to look at is the eglport.c/.h. You need to figure out what EGL window support pandaboard needs. For instance eglport is using software SDL surface (X surface) and giving it to the EGL window api. I have no idea if this can work on the pandaboard.
It would be interesting to see what range of floating point numbers quake2 is using internally. If it's a small enough range you could get further performance by converting it to fixed-point math. Would be a project that's for sure.