Hurrican (Turrican clone) update

Got it running by setting filepath=./ in appdata/wolf4sdl/profile.txt and moving all the WL6 data files from the wolf3d subdir to the root in appdata/wolf4sdl. After I customized the controls in-game, I'm sure this is the best way to play Wolfenstein 3D on a portable today - thanks again @Pickle.

@levi Thanks, the image errors are still there so it looks like they're safe to ignore.

@Linux-SWAT This is about the classic game from 1992, Pickle posted a PND of it a few posts up in this thread.

Yeah the launcher warnings wont prevent the program from running.

What was the filepath before? Im just wondering if i should update the pnd.
What was the filepath before? Im just wondering if i should update the pnd.
I changed it from ./wolf3d/, but I'm a little hazy since I tried several combinations of settings and subdirs after I got it running the first time, to see what's ok and what isn't. It seemed like filepath got set to whatever folder you last launched a file from, though, whether the launch was successful or not.