COVID-19 / Coronavirus Pandemic

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I asked someone at my residential provider's main office, and they said I'm getting my vaccine booster on November 10th. I'll let you guys know if this is the one that pushes me over the edge.
don't worry, it'll be something else that does that.

excited that kids will be ready soon for vaccines...
Currently in France police+army is mostly made up of right-wing supporters, many of whom are vocal (at least in their circles) about the need for a civil war and mass killing of arab/muslim population.
A military+police coup would probably result in a right-wing dictatorship with genocide of the arab/muslim population.
I'm not looking forward to this.
So "most of the" guys who choose law and order to maintain peace as a profession (here, some policemen are called gardiens de la paix - guardians of peace), are in favor of a civil war and mass killing ? This is pure nonsense.
So "most of the" guys who choose law and order to maintain peace as a profession (here, some policemen are called gardiens de la paix - guardians of peace), are in favor of a civil war and mass killing ? This is pure nonsense.
No, not those. @ElPoco probably means most of the guys who choose law and order because they saw it like a license to kill. If you don't look at the law for a moment, police and army are the biggest armed gangs, so that's where the really bad boys want to be.
Then some of those don't pass the acceptance tests (they'll low the bar as needed but there're still people not passing) and end up in illegal gangs. Or some may not like uniforms, I can understand that. Or they get fed up (before or after being in the police) of hierarchies and judges and stuff.
The fact that some people just want to serve their equals, or a stable job or something and become naive, law abiding, honest cops doesn't mean everybody has to be the same.
And it's not only France.
Look at the credentials of the Spanish Home Office minister, or the purges in German army/police.
In a just system the defenders of the system are going to be just, honest people. Otherwise...
Edit: Sorry for being Eurocentric. Black lives matter speaks for itself.
Edit3: where was that news of EU border patrols throwing tied up immigrants to sea ?
Edit2: Too lazy to link "In the Army now" by The Communards Bolland & Bolland and played by Status Quo:
You'll be the hero of the neighborhood
Nobody knows that you left for blood
You're in the Army, in the Army now...
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Not the Communards. It's by Bolland & Bolland and famously covered by the Quo:
Shit ! Status Quo then. What a lousy memory...
I didn't know Bolland & Bolland, In that decade I knew more of Borland & Borland (Turbo Pascal & Turbo C).
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The guy who leaked this key is a hero !!!
But they say it's already revoked ?
My UK covid passport stopped working in Switzerland. I'm talking about the QR code. So I employ my usual negotiation teqnique of playing dumb(er) but friendly, which never fails
My UK vaccination certificate doesn't contain a QR code. It just has a bar code on it. I got it a couple of months ago I think, and it's A4 in size. I was surprised it was so different to the european standard, but I guess that's brexit for you.
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In Germany, usually you have to go to the drugstore whit your Vaccination Book and ask for the QR Code Document, they print it out then ..

i had luck and got my Vaccine from the German Army who also dit run a Vaccination Center back then , they hand me out the QR Code Zertifikat..
So the pass worked for a while. it was a pdf sent to me from the NHS app for international travel and i believe I can generate an many as I like. 3 qr codes, two for vaccines, one for covid. When it scans it now says DECLINED in red. in Berne and Vaud they are cool and let me into restaurants with family, not in Zürich though, had to takeaway the sushi. But in the airport I had to use a Jedi mind trick to check our bags. (I accidentally went in the business class queue and the lady didn't realise until it was too late and panicked that we were delaying the other much more important travellers, so didn't bother scanning it). I feel quite lucky.
I can't judge the numbers she is mentioning, but I'll be interested in seeing the rebuttal:

And this one has a nice overview of who should get which vaccine if they want to get one:
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Utah is testing out the Multipass (Fifth Element). It's called "Digital Driver Lice":

And yeah, that's the music group from the smash-hit "Don't talk, just fistbump"
So "most of the" guys who choose law and order to maintain peace as a profession (here, some policemen are called gardiens de la paix - guardians of peace), are in favor of a civil war and mass killing ? This is pure nonsense.
It's more complex than this black-and-white morality.
First of all, as @pyrat mention, there are those who joined because they wanted/liked to beat up people and joining the police/army is a way to do it legally. I haven't seen any study about this but I have heard it firsthand from someone and someone else working in the police told me that they have many people like these.
Second, many chose "law and order" because they like ORDER. You know, like people fitting nicely into boxes, walking in straight lines and not doing anything that could upset the status quo. It's quite common for people like this to be conservatives, and it's common for conservatives to hold as ideal a spurious version of the past when "things used to be simpler". This vision of the past has a white-only catholic France.
Third, nearly 50% of the police vote for the RN. While the RN does not, openly, favor civil war and mass killings, many RN affiliated people and voter express such sentiments. And recently, there have been reports of thousands of police officers belonging to openly racist discussion groups, where many members talk about arming themselves to prepare for civil war.
Finally, it wouldn't be the first time. I don't doubt that many of the police officers in Vichy France joined the force to maintain peace. They still actively arrested Jewish people to send them to concentration camps, and most historian agree that many were supportive of this and not just ordered to do it.

So to me it feels like these police officers chose to maintain some vision of "law and order" (and feel like this "law and order" is threatened by some minorities) and are ready to use violence to support it.
And masks are back in the Netherlands. No surprise there for me. I see no NWO yet, so of course the measures were never meant to disappear just yet.

Our Fuhrer also mentioned that masks will also be mandated for jobs that require contact, except for sex workers. Supposedly the pandemic is so horrible that we must destroy our freedom, human rights, and livelihoods to get rid of it; but we cannot ruin the fun for dirty perverts visiting sex workers. I am not sure what the rationale behind that decision was.
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