How Can I Set Emu To Ntsc Because Pal Is Slower

how can i set emu to ntsc because pal is slower (little john nes emu, fgb gameboy emu..) i want to play game in ntsc speed like my real hardware

thank you for your answers
hmm.. i have usa roms , so i dont understand why little john emu has not same speed that my nes hardware, or others nes emu for pc its approx 10% slower
everyone say that little john is 100% speed. and it seem same thing for some others emu
Little John GP32 runs 100% for me...
What frameskip settings are you using?
Not all games run 100% using frameskip 0 (MegaMan does, if you want to try), some play 100% using frameskip 1

The game boy doesn't have any PAL / NTSC, it's an old LCD system, therefore, there is no speed difference for the roms.
The game boy doesn't have any PAL / NTSC, it's an old LCD system, therefore, there is no speed difference for the roms.

thats what i was thinkn, pal and ntsc refer to the different tv systems used around the world, and gameboy has its own screen so its same whereva u are! :lol:
sorry guys LOL
but im really sure about this little john is 10% slower , even with frameskip the emu is slower than hardware or pocketnes with gba

anyway little john is great