Drmd Compatibility Tracker


DrMd Compatibility Tracker

I've stuck something on my server to help keep track of game compatibilities/issues in DrMD

It looks alot more complicated than it is so don't be put off.

You'll also need to create a login to report/update.

So far there are 32 games listed that I took from the huge DrMD compatibility post.

I've modified the severity catagories (low to high) to be:-


I think its best to just add games suffering from problems.

I'll give anyone lucky enough to be beta testing DrMD updater rights so they can re-test games and update the status.

If you only have the current public release please add any problem games you find so the updaters can retest.
forgot to mention

can ye stick the game title in the summary field please.

make it easier to track games.

Good idea. Have to give it a try.

Oh, btw, don`t triple post, use the edit button please.
Why can't he triple post, its not like post count matter any more.
Well, post count or not, it`s... so much scrolling... :)

And well, if the edit button was just for keeping the post count down, well, why not remove the edit button, too? <_<

Postcount is removed, but the edit button is still there, so why not making use of it?

Its the same with the damn search button. No one uses it, more and more stupid questions get asked, and every one complaines about it. If its removed, no one would (or could) complain.
So, if there would be no edit button, I wouldn`t complain. :rolleyes:

But don`t get me wrong, I`m not trying to be offensive, I just wanted to give a hint on using a forum and all his functions correctly.
Yeah, what ever. Some people just like to whinge...oh no I had to scroll the window an extra inch..boo hoo my poor hands are bleeding from the effort.
uhmm... and I just added this pointless reply too.

If we still had the postcount then it would be excusable because people would think I was trying to get my count up...

but as it stands, there's no reason other than getting people to read this pointless reply.

maybe just to piss them off? I dunno... :wacko:
WHAT theres no post count!

I just wasted my fingers for nothing.


I've done it again !


anyway I've been up too long.

time for sleep.

don't break stuff while I'm gone.

PS get a mouse with a wheel dude
Not at your efforts LOOK but at the comments re edits etc.

PS Could have edited this into my previous message but then the post would have been kind of shit!
Is it me, or has this quite important idea (a compatability tracker for possibly the most popular new emulator on GP32) been pretty much ignored by double/triple post jokes?

While sleeping off my night shift Sir Clive Sinclair spoke to me in my dreams.

He said "Don't worry about triple posts lOOk"

"If you use the fast reply option it uses less internet ink"


On a sane note. We're doing alright on the compatibility tracker. Lots of registered users and plenty of info being collected.