Today, i came across the board in the forum and see an interesting post by MR.PERFECT
If those things are true then , we will properly have perfect snes very soon....yayyy
long live gp2x!!!!!
The emulators, if there are going to be any this early, for the GP2X will be better than the ones already for the GP32.
So, you can think of it running snes with no problems at all.
Of course, when you look at emulators on a pc, you need on pretty smart pc to get an emulator running 100%. And no emulator is perfect.
They try to emulate the exactness of the console, but its definately not exactly the same.
Different archetectures, different chips. It all depends what someone wants to do with it really.
To say emulator for the snes, i assume perfect snes emulation, perfect everything - sound, framerate etc etc.
But there are some things that perfectly emulated consoles wont have to be had on gp2x. Like if you want atari st, the interface can become a lot to encode.
To just port an emulator version for gp2x is tough, very tough. to get a nice one like drmd takes a HECK of a lot of effort. Its easy to use, nice on the eye and runs things really well. not perfectly, but really well.
given the system its on..
But the gp2x is SO much more powerful! SO expect near perfect emulation for that emulator.. But then you got more than just running games. you got a whole bunch of options to set. some coders, none are proffessional here, ant get perfect sound with perfect frame rate.
and its things like this which take a lot of time, a lot of testing and a lot of brain patience!
To ask for a snes emulators specs so early is a bit along the "no answer here" lines because thats like asking if the next president is going to be any good!
The more you get to understand about these two factors below, the more you get to think of the possibilities.
1) The gp2x is good enough to run perfect megadrive, snes etc
2) Its up to the comunity to make good emulators!!
PSP simply doesnt have enough GOOD coders for it, with the word GOOD i mean a labour of love. you see, people who code for the gp32 really love the gp32. and the same will go for the gp2x because gamepark give them what they want, like 64mb!!
So there is a lot of respect going round for gamepark holdings right now, coders who want great emulators etc. will code for the gp2x because simply its safer and a tad more fun to do than with the psp.
But it all depends on how much they want the emulator to work. you can have several iterations of a snes emulator, just like on gp32. but there is only one really good one! One man must code one emulator, and thats how it goes.
if you got several emulators on the go, chances are its going to be the same ind of interface, same code basis and all that for the projects.
if you got one emulator project designed solely for one console, then you got a faithful emulator for the console, its games and engine.
and thus it would be perfect for the system.
Simple ports of emulators wont cut it, you can base a code on the emulator, but then with the gp2x there are infinite possibilities! So one mans code will be entirely different to another.
Perfect framerate? it depends if the coder want perfect framerate. Please ask at an emulation forum, because only the coders will know what to give, and what you will recieve.
If those things are true then , we will properly have perfect snes very soon....yayyy
long live gp2x!!!!!