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  1. N

    Updating Firmware: Will You Have To Redo Your Sd Card?

    Thanks. Is there really a reason to upgrade from the version I have? Im just using it for emulators and thats it. Thanks!
  2. N

    Updating Firmware: Will You Have To Redo Your Sd Card?

    Im new to the GP2X Wiz world. I purchased a used one and got it in today. It says: VERSION 1.1.0, Firmware: Linux 2.6.24 Rev 222. Which one do you go by as far as the firmware for the gp2x, the 1.1.0? Also if I update it to the newest out, I already have emu's on the SD card...will I just...
  3. N

    Has The Inside Of This Been Tampered With?

    I cant get the USB cable working that I ordered from some site that I seen on the boards, so I decided to open it up to make sure it was connected inside. This is what I seen, the blue/red wires. Has this been tampered with? If so, which mod is it? Can I just take these wires off? I cant...
  4. N

    Just Got Gp32 Blue + 128 Meg Card...where Do I Start? (no Cable)

    Btw, there was already "GP32 Free Launcher" installed. To get to it I clicked on Games, then it loads up, and does nothing when I click it to start
  5. N

    Gp32 Help

  6. N

    Just Got Gp32 Blue + 128 Meg Card...where Do I Start? (no Cable)

    I just purchased a GP32 BLU unit, and a 128 meg card...The card has some crap on it, that does nothing. Where do I start? I want to use emulators on it, thats about it. I do not have a cable, but I do have a card reader/writer. Any info would be helpful. Thakns!
  7. N

    Gp32 V2.3 Release Info?

    I know its probably a longshot. But is there a chance that 2.3 will get released tonight that would work with Punch-Out!!? Going out of town in the morning, and was really wanting to take it with me hehe. Thanks!
  8. N

    Renaming Programs ?

    I dont understand how to use it? Do I use it on my pc, or do I copy it to the gp32? I ran the exe's and they did nothing? Thanks
  9. N

    "no Spaces Allowed In Name" During Install

    When I try to copy everything over, it tells me that "no spaces are allowed in name"...And I dont see any spaces. It is even saying that the folder itself CFG has a space in it?? Any Ideas? Thanks
  10. N

    Mamegp32 + Punchout?

    Hows the progress on this going? =) Sorry to bother ya about it lol...Going out of town in a few days and was hoping to play punchout on the way! lol Thanks
  11. N

    Renaming Programs ?

    How can I rename programs on the GP32? Like my NES emulator is named ljpg32 0.4 I want to rename it to say "NES Emulator" How can I do this? Thanks!
  12. N

    Mamegp32 + Punchout?

    Awesome, looking forward to it =) Keep up the good work
  13. N

    Mamegp32 + Punchout?

    Great Thanks! =) Any ETA on when to expect it? Im going out of town on the 18th and was hoping to to play it on my trip hehe. Thanks!
  14. N

    Mamegp32 + Punchout?

    I am trying to get punchout working for my mame (this is my first install ever of a gp32 program, jsut got it today) and for some reason the punch out is not recognized by the mame? Any ideas on what/how I do this? Thanks!
  15. N

    Emulators On Gp32 Blu? *not Yet Purchased Question*

    Great thanks. I am bidding on a few systmes on ebay, but they wont end until sunday, and the store closes Friday....I emailed the store and told them about this, and they would not let me purchase one on sunday, so doesnt look like I will be ordering from them =(
  16. N

    Emulators On Gp32 Blu? *not Yet Purchased Question*

    Thanks. Another quesiton =) On the site it says this one is "Latest European BLU version". Not to be stupid, but will this work with USA batteries? And can you use an AC adapter on these? And if so, will a US adapter work? Thanks Again!
  17. N

    Emulators On Gp32 Blu? *not Yet Purchased Question*

    I have not yet purchased a GP32, but I am going to be getting one. Which one would you all suggest? A BLU, or FLU? Do all the Emu's work the same on either system? Do the SNES Emu's have sound on the BLU? I heard that the FLU will play alot of stuff the BLU wont? Thanks!