A Pandora Just For Me

Any chance for SONY?

  • You have more chance getting a dildo up your ass!!!

    Votes: 35 31.5%
  • I want one too!!!

    Votes: 34 30.6%
  • Yes, there's a chance

    Votes: 44 39.6%
  • No chance, sorry

    Votes: 22 19.8%
  • Other opinion (please specify)

    Votes: 28 25.2%

  • Total voters


Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005
Any chance of me (only me) getting my greedy little hands on a clear-white (or whatever colour it is, pics/vid below) PANDORA?

You see, as well as the one I pre-oredered, I want another one, the one that sports a clear-white, translucent-like PANDORA case (not the stress test case one).

Please OpenPANDORA team!!! I'd be willing to pay a maximum of US$1000 for one next year. B)




Not the one below though.

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The only way you'll make this happen is to pose shirtless, with some kind of skirt on and maybe a bra. You'll have to have some other gadgets on display, and provide written evidence that it is you in the photo.
There's something wrong with the poll. I voted dildo, but it was counted as other, then I deleted my vote, voted a second dildo and it registered. Weird, weird.
Edit: Please no pic of that!
Gruso said:
The only way you'll make this happen is to pose shirtless, with some kind of skirt on and maybe a bra. You'll have to have some other gadgets on display, and provide written evidence that it is you in the photo.

Ok! YES SIR!!! I'm on it!!!

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lol ou know hes kidding right? xD

but dude, seeing your nick makes me want to get my Kannagi eps and listen to Akiba say "Its a sony"
Maybe openpandora should do a ebay auction just to see how much it will fetch !!
$1000 sound a bit crazy to me but there seem to be some pretty determined ppl out there....
im sure next year people will be interchanging their cases when the first batch is released... when thats done they can play with alterations and extras :)
i voted for dildo for the lolz
If the Panda's a big success you can be sure of some Chinese company making cheap replacement cases. Keep that $1000 under the mattress for now.
I would be happy with a translucent stylus. Those look plain awesome. :)
Just for fun I voted for the first three options. Yes, No, and No with the dildo. Muahaha :lol:

Would be nice to see some other colors, but if I want anything other than black(ish) I'm going to buy a case and paint it.
WhiteBat said:
borgqueenx said:
Gruso said:
i love that image. what is it?
it was link from zelda before 4chan had their way with it

answer confidence scale 1-10: 5
Basically any time you see something repeated a whole lot on the internets that is weird and slightly funny (and usually offensive), 4chan is responsible. Shitting Dick Nipples is one such thing that comes to mind. Check Encyclopedia Dramatica for meme details (you're right about it being Link) - a wikipedia for 4chan, essentially.
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