Amazon Considering Buying Texas Instrument's Chip Business.

I think Google should buy AMD/ATI.... that company is totally and utterly boned because their management are incompetent.
Whty can't some of the big tech companies die, and make room for new ones?
What experience does Amazon have making SoCs? No, making Kindles doesn't even begin to qualify :/

I don't even know how this sale works, there is TI proprietary IP inside OMAP SoCs that they use all over the place in their other products. Surely TI isn't keen on dropping their C6x DSP line too.
Noooooooo ! they better not . I like my calculators and books separate .
I think (guessing, to be specific) the deal is TI is keeping its fab plants and other product lines, they're just handing over the keys for the OMAP line if the deal goes through.. ie: so Amazon coudl take it to anywhere to produce, but probabyl just keep it at TI (them being the experts.) Amazon would fund further direction, and make all the decisions over it. ie: Who gets to use it, being the key idea here, I think -- they think its a good platform, and they want it a bit cheaper for themselves long term, and maybe force others out.

No way Amazon would get any real equipment out of this, for the money offered thats bandying around.

This is all idle speculation of course, I have no points of reference :)

and Microsoft will buy nokia
buying nokia would be a great move for apple

lots of nice telecoms patents

big foothold in the dumbphones

mapping tools and software

ruins microsoft's placement in the mobile market
Indeed they do.

It may be on the bottom rung of the ladder, but they're there

There are smartphone(s) available running Microsoft software

Getting someone to buy them would be he next step :|