Another GB emu.. sorta


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2002
Croydon (UK)
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I was looking over some release disks for the ST, and I noticed a GB emu. I'm not sure if I can be bothered to test it and such, and its very very rarely a good idea to try an emu in an emu, but for those who've had trouble with GPvGB on black and white games, it might be an anwer. if not an ideal one.

If you're interested, Crazy Boy 37; try it and see what happens.

NB: I'm relatively sure this is not a gameboy colour emu, so at a guess, only b/w games.
And did it work better than GPVGB?
BTW: I found this site : An GB Emu in Java and it's open source! How difficult would it be to port it to GP32?
I haven't actually tried it... but I know some people have SERIOUS problems with gpvgb on some games, so for them, it could be worth a look. Possibly - personally, I CBF, since GPVGB's worked for everything I've thrown at it.
there are also c64 and speccy emulators available for atari st -and even a lowly dos one which runs stuff slower than a 286 -
There is no GameBoy emulator for plain STs. You may try the ZX81 emulator though...
The program on the disk is only a simulator with two built-in games.
Ah... oh well... would have been a proper thing...

BTW: an x86 emu that runs slower thsan a 286? But that'd still run Mars, and possibly Commander Keen... (those ran very well on a 386, so a 286 might have done them... a 186? probably not lol)
Since I wrote an article about emulators running on the ST a couple of years ago, I can say something about these emulators:
C64 - not worth a look, it doesn't even understand assembler programs (and also doesn't support graphics btw)
ZX_SP2.07 - actually a very good emulator which supports snapshot images etc.
ZX81 - one of the best ZX81 emulators imo
Atoric - a good Oric emulator but not very fast on a plain ST
XFormer - Atari XL emulator, ran a few games

There is only one software-only 286 emulator called SoftPC (yes, the SoftPC). It's quite nice but for TT and Falcon only. The other software-only emulators emulate a simple 8088 PC (at approx 3 Mhz ...).
There are some other emulators which require higher spec machines, a couple of fake ones and also a good CP/M emulator.

Hope that helps :D
SatanClaus posted on May 4 2003 said:
And did it work better than GPVGB?
BTW: I found this site : An GB Emu in Java and it's open source! How difficult would it be to port it to GP32?
Not hard at all since we already have a Java Virtual Machine for the GP32, just can just run the emulator with that (go to ph0x's page)...or we could do a source port, but we'd need C++.
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