Another Gui Idea...


Still Fresh
Jun 18, 2007
Please note :the bellow images are copyrighted and shouldn't be used without my permission (Excluding the Pandora logo and tango icons)

Hi, Here my (unfinished) concept for a pandora GUI...

Just used tango icons for now to show where they would go, its based on a cross between the eeepc distro and nokia N8* series overall an easy to use professional looking gui, let me know what you think :pandora1:

Updated - All text made larger and easier to read, icons made bigger with text under and a system tray added


Change Log

Wow, they keep getting nicer. :)

Keep in mind the small screen size though. I just previewed this at actual size, and the following are unreadable:

- date/time/batt level
- icons at top right corner
- SD info

The main icons are small, but nice looking. I think they're perfectly ok that size actually. I don't think we should be scared to go small with these, and leave a little desktop space. Makes it feel more like a computer, less like a mobile.
Yeah, definitely too small for some people.

My eyes ain't what they once were, so bigger text options will be important for me and others.

But the overall design - quite nice! Clean and slick.

EDIT: Oh wow... just viewed it at close to actual size - man is that tiny. Very, very tiny. :(
Looks smart - nice one. I do share Gruso reservations on size, though that could be changed I'm sure.

I quite like the whitespace and also the colours and logo start to make it look like a branded theme which perhaps suits the umpc idea more than the homebrew/emulator views. Again there are several audiences for the pandora and each will probably have different preferences.

I can't see how you would get to further sections, so when each of the tabs is full and you need either more room on the tab or just as importantly more tabs? Would there be scroll bars or a more/next icon?
Yeah, double the size of everything to make it finger friendly :)

Have you thought about how these icons will be added? Will we have to do them manually, will the application do it or will the OS/gui handle this?

(btw on my resolution the Pandora screen will be 1/4 of the size of that)
I really like this GUI idea, and agree with the people asking for everything to be double size.

One change i'd make would be to have the application name underneath the icon.

If it would support the freedesktop .desktop file format, and scan any newly inserted memory devices for these files, it would be able to build up the menu dynamically & easily
Thanks for all the feedback guys :D i will get to work on making the text etc. bigger
I like! although the colour scheme might not go too well with the black casing of the pandora. I personally would prefer a darker grey and black scheme.
I really like this.

I do think that the top bar might be a bit small. I am wondering if there's some sort of a taskbar? That would be helpful. It could fit along the bottom of the screen.
Nice!So would there be a tab for every category?And why is all that stuff in the web tab?I think it would be cool
to have the tabs set up like they are in ubuntu As in what goes where.Accesories could be the default tab and would have
the file browser.

Id hazard a guess and say he only put the icons in the web tab as an example to show what it would look like with icons in.
It's a pretty bad idea to store stuff on that, it can mess up the firmware. At least, it was that way on the GP2x. I hope the pandoras more stable
This is very similar to what I had in mind but better. Very nice, good job :) This is something I would definitely skin for.
Wow, I really like the updated images.

Do you have an idea of how you want to actually structure the menus? My thoughts are, one tab for all of the emulators, one tab for the non-game apps that ship with the device, an 'accessories' tab, for tools/administrative stuff, and an 'extras' tab where everything else will go, and the installer should mark that as the default place to put things, unless told otherwise. There should also be some way of moving things around between the different, and creating custom tabs.

I like the layout and such, but I really don't like the color theme. Well firstly I don't like that aqua, and I think you need to unify (bring together) the colors more.

But yea, keep at it.

Another thing you need to consider is how flexible, and expandable is the layout/design?

To me this interface looks rather restrictive in this regard, as it looks that no extra icons can be added to the left. It also doesn't seem very well balanced, as it appears you have 5 base categories, each with potentially a flood of icons to fill the rest of the screen to the right.

Anyhows I hope this makes some sense, and helps you further improve things.
