Anybody see this guy!

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009

Pchysic wayne!Pchysic wanker more like.LOL. This guy is such a fake its patethic.above is a clip of him being lambasted by a caller.This crap is on tv3 after midnight presumably for people who want to believe any old Shi...e!

The degradation of culture continues! I think its possible for some people to be pchysic but if waynes pchysic then he should have seen the above caller coming a mile off.end of rant.but seriously who wouldn't like to kick wayne in the Ghoulies! and more
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They have them on on one of the silly freeview channels here, but they have to have warning labels on saying "This is for entertainment purposes only" :D
in some country they have some rather ridiculous program at night... in Italy for example I've seen a stupid letter game where anyone can phone (with a nice tax) to propose answers and maybe win a nice rewards, to encourage people watching and more importantly, calling, all they found was to take as presenter a nice woman in bikini doing all sort of ridiculous think, like doing some trampoline... a nice example of sexism I'dd say...
Can't see the video link but from that wiki link to Cold Reading, I think I know what type of shows these are.

I read up on cold reading a while back after trying to explain to a work mate how these people work.

They weren't having any of it though and still completely believe these people are genuine and have contact with the deceased and your past...dangerous.

We have those programs here too elwing, late late at night on a few channels, impossible to answer quizzes that are there to just fleece those still up watching telly by premium rate phone calls.

I'm amazed these things remain on telly tbh, I guess there are people out there calling in trying their luck so it's a profitable program to run still?

Programs like Glitterball

scandal -

scandal -

Still a lot of these on our telly channels in the early hours of the morning

I watch a lot of trash admittedly, but these psychic and competition shows are next level
I don't usually watch the kinds of tv channels that have late night psychics, so I'm not that bothered by it (well, I'm bothered by the concept of psychic scammers, I just don't encounter them enough to be that affected). The shows that piss me off far more are the hundreds of ghost hunting shows. It's hard to cycle through channels without hitting one.

All involve people saying "did you see/hear that?" while being filmed with night vision.
theres a reason it says its for entertainment purpose only, because thats what it is, and while youre talking bad about the people that actually watch it, you are the target audience, the one that got entertained by the card reader who cant even shuffle cards
They have them on on one of the silly freeview channels here, but they have to have warning labels on saying "This is for entertainment purposes only" :D
It is funny how this doesn't also apply to the likes of Songs of Praise, though...