App Inventor - Android


Advanced Member
I was downloading the files for Dancing Pixels Sixaxis Controller - An Android app which allows you to use your PS3 Sixaxis control pad on your Android phone - and in my case, my Android tablet.

Obviously that was very appealing, and I started to download the program i needed to pair the controller with my divice etc.

Anyway, while looking on YT at videos of how to do this, I stumbled upon a next video which caught my attention.

It was for the Google App Inventor. An interface for developing Android apps, using a visual 'block building' flow.

Looked pretty decent from the little video I saw of someone creating a fairly basic Twitter type appplication.

It looked a bit like the IOS App.Cat service, not quite as simple as that but not as hard as say writing code in Eclipse or whatever more traditional methods people use.

So i tried to d/l it so i can take a look at it in more detail.

Google search led me to an MIT page which stated that App Inventor was dropped when Google droped their Labs service, but it was taken over by one MIT department... thats the gist i got anyway.

However, i couldnt find any link to the download for it.

Just wondering if anyone here had experience of using it, and knew where to d/l from officialy now - Or has it pretty much fallen into the dead applications bin and really not worth looking into using?
yeah they did ... they dropped support/development for it when they shut the doors on their Lab Suite, but since then Google have funded a Mobile Dev department of MIT to continue with working on it.

So its more an MIT project now i guess.

Cant find a d/l link on their site though, it might be only available to MIT students now, i dont know

It probably would be a waste of time me looking into anyway, but i was keen to try my hand at a little app making on it and it looked easier than coding with Eclipse for someone like me.

Ideally i would like to try App.Cat, that looks so easy to create an app with, but sadly it is only for IOS, i think this App Inventor is/was probably the closest thing to App.Cat for Android
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Nice one .. i didnt find that link when i looked.

very nice rebirth banner btw, frozen in carbonite was good enough for the Han its good enough for the Pan[dora]