
Mega GP Mania
May 24, 2008
At a barbeque it just came right up to us. Absolutely no fear, even when the dog started barking and nipping around it. I fed it a broccoli.




Took a bunch of pictures with my 3DS too, but not sure what to do with those.
Oh wow, he's cute!

As for the 3DS snaps, upload them! I'd love to see the MPOs. :p Most modern browsers (to my knowledge, not Microsoft Internet Explorer) will just display one of the JPEGs from inside the container if you embed them on most forum software, but if that doesn't work here, just put them in a zip-file on MediaFire or something.
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i wouldve fed it a habranero. does that make me a maniac serial killer? :unsure:
I'll have to upload them later. I don't have my SD card reader on hand to get images off my DS :)
^ A lot of the ones you find in the UK are often vicious due to being nicotine addicts. (They eat cigarette butts...)
While it probably wasn't a baby-baby, it was still a little on the small side to be considered full grown. It's entirely possible that this was its first foray out of the nest on its own. Do squirrels do that? Is there a time when mommy and daddy squirrel tell Jr. squirrel that it's time he packed up his guitar and found his own place to live?
Awww, it's cute, can we keep it? :D

I absolutely adore squirrels, they ran around outside my former school, was probably paying more attention to them than class.
I didn't know about the nicotine addiction but they sure can bite! A red squirrel firmly attached itself to my brothers hand in Hyde park when he was young for a good five minutes of swinging it around, as it chewed happily away between his thumb and trigger finger and the bandstand was a bloody mess that Dexter would have had fun re-creating, as he tried Arnold Rimmer like, to bash its brains in against the bench to get it off (I jest). Eventually its bloodlust seemed satiated and it scurried off up a tree making hissing noises at everyone looking startled below. Be very afraid :unsure:
Maybe someone else had been feeding it previously? They can get used to humans if they are repeatedly fed by them. My father-in-law loves feeding those things and has gotten some to take food right from his hand after some time. I remember one even brought her babies with her and they also would take hand feeding.
They're regular visitors to my back garden - they make off with any bird feeder I put out. Even a metal one once, though they didn't manage to get it over the wall.

I remember walking on a trail through a forest in Switzerland once, and there were signs at regular intervals: "Beware Rabid Squirrels".

I remember one even brought her babies with her and they also would take hand feeding.

Had a Hedgehog do that - fed it one night when I came across it in the garden, the next few nights it turned up with three babies in tow.
Squirrel in glorious 3D

Photobucket doesn't let me upload mpos. I guess I could upload the single jpg it outputs, but that defeats the purpose of 3D. jpgs are included in the rar for the non-3DS people, too.