Beat2x Not Working On F-200


Still Fresh
Jan 24, 2008
Hey guys I loaded on beat2x on my gp2x-f200 the other day and everything goes okay until I press start on the ingame menu.... the game then freezes on the screen.
Colossus said:
Hey guys I loaded on beat2x on my gp2x-f200 the other day and everything goes okay until I press start on the ingame menu.... the game then freezes on the screen.
Not sure if that would help: did you install beat2x from the accompanying CD? The version I had on the CD was not working either, with the same symptoms. However the version I downloaded from the gp2x archive worked fine on my F200.

Also have you installed any music pack? Try the C64 pack for a start, it rocks :)

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I can confirm that timothee's suggestion works. I installed both beat2x and the C64 pack from the links and it runs just fine. Now, if I could only keep up with the game itself :( I must be too old.