meandu229 said:
anychance of a more detailed tutorial im stuck, do you need pc-connectivity-suite or the bluetooth-dun package from the repos?
N900 side: Followed the howto linked above:
i) Install Rootsh,Kernel-power,iptables
ii) I also installed and removed pc-connectivity-suite. Not sure if that had an impact.
iii) Make sure /etc/bluetooth/main.cfg has network removed from the 'disabled plugins' list.
iv) Restart bluetooth (kill `pidof bluetoothd` or reboot)
v) Download bluetooth_pan.rar from
v) tar -xpvf bluetooth_pan.rar to extract.
vi) Append the bluetooh_pan.sudoers to /etc/sudo/'the file containing many similar entries!'
Pandora side:
i) Enabled bluetooth from the system menu (if needed)
ii) Set up new device and check the 'use to connect to the internet' at the end.
(I found it now appears as a network device in the network manager but does not connect...)
iii) In a terminal (as root)... pand --connect 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
(where the xx is from the name of the network device in network manager. Bluetooth icon should now be blue on N900)
iv) vim /etc/network/interfaces to set up a static ip for the bnet0 interface.
(iface bnet0 inet static
v) ifdown bnet0 (just in case)
vi) ifup bnet0
vii) ON THE N900: connect to the internet via 3g then run
vii) ping
(should now be able to talk to google by ip)
viii) edit /etc/resolv.conf to add google nameservers (i.e. add 'nameserver' and 'nameserver')
ix) ping
(should now be able to talk to google by name)
x) Browse!
Of course less of this is needed next time... This isn't quite how it should work so I guess the n900 side is missing some bits - hence network manager not connecting ok.