C4A Compo for April 2015

I tried Mr. Rescue but it was unplayably slow on my rebirth @800MHz. Is barbarian on mame? Couldn't find it on the repo.
I tried Mr. Rescue but it was unplayably slow on my rebirth @800MHz.
It runs smoothly on my old CC!

Once or twice it has started and been very slow and jerky, but if that happens I just close it and restart it again, and it works fine. Try again!
I did a ~30k high score in Mr. Rescue, but it's not uploading to C4A?

Wait a minute. It has only uploaded my "Apartment Complex" scores?

EDIT: This is apparently by design? Would be nice to mention things like this in the compo threads.
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I've got 17750 points in barbarian. A wizard came out of nowhere and now the screen reads "Your end has come!". The game is not ending nor continuing. What's this.

OK, pressing esc it uploaded my score. Which I apparently read wrong :D . The C4A score below showed jsut some garbage, but the score that was submitted was about the sum of the two scores at the top of the screen?
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