Christmas Presents


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2005
Hello. And a happy Christmas to you too, Tiny Tim!

So, what are you all buying your loved ones this year? And any links to cool stuff on Amazon (.de as well! Me Deutsche Kumpels!).

Thanks, the elves are waiting!
I only get presents (for the last time though)

But my parents are giving me:

-Armani Black au de toilette
-A "neat" watch
-Book: The way of youth
-2500+ mAh batteries (you know for what)
-2gig SD Card

and for the rest I don't know for sure... ow yeah, and shave stuff :lol:

Maybe the book is something to give to your kids or to youself. Seems very helpfull in all day situations..
I bought myself an old wrecked 635i BMW for christmas and I shall be spending all 2007 doing it up.

Managed to get my dad to go halfers with me too!

Everyone else will be getting wine/spirits and chocolate, you can't go wrong there.
Bought my dad a book about The Who cause he likes them and a Beach Boys CD cause He likes them also.
Bought my Nephew a giant teddy bear and ill be getting him some more stuff later on next week.
Havent got my mums present but i'll be getting her a book on cats as she used to do cat breeding and show cats at compos and some candles.
And for my sis, some form of teddy.
Ill also be getting everyone apart from my nephew a book of chocolates.
I'm getting my dad some rigger boots I think
I've got my mum some sort of topaz and diamond based necklace
my sister, a 2gb ipod nano ripoff
My friends, various games
Goity posted on Dec 10 2006 at 03:09 PM said:
I'm getting my dad some rigger boots I think
I've got my mum some sort of topaz and diamond based necklace
my sister, a 2gb ipod nano ripoff
My friends, various games
wtf you're 13 and you give diamond necklace gifts, is everyone really so much better off than me,, buggin life.

- Alex
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Alex. posted on Dec 10 2006 at 11:18 PM said:
Goity posted on Dec 10 2006 at 03:09 PM said:
I'm getting my dad some rigger boots I think
I've got my mum some sort of topaz and diamond based necklace
my sister, a 2gb ipod nano ripoff
My friends, various games
wtf you're 13 and you give diamond necklace gifts, is everyone really so much better off than me,, buggin life.

- Alex

I thought that!

What about wives/girlfriends? Brothers?
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I have no idea at all about what to give anyone. Yes, I know time is running out.

I gave a friend my Wii for his birthday though. May the juvenile jokes commence.

I suppose I'll get some perfume for my mother.... for all the others, no idea. None at all.
Wow... ok lessee... I bought

- HP LCD monitor for my son's step-dad used but perfect shape(on eBay at $100 off the new list price)
- MAG LCD monitor for my son's mother brand new(also on eBay at half the list price)
- 3 MP3 players for my son's mother, my son and his half sister($80 total on eBay)
- My father gets a $50 gift card to Barnes & Noble and, if I can find a quick print shop, a t-shirt that says "My family came for Christmas and all I got was a lousy t-shirt!"(family joke) :)
- My mother gets a $50 gift card to Wal-Mart and I paid the maintenance fees for this year for their timeshare.
NoidZ posted on Dec 10 2006 at 01:24 PM said:
I only get presents (for the last time though)

But my parents are giving me:

-Armani Black au de toilette
-A "neat" watch
-Book: The way of youth
-2500+ mAh batteries (you know for what)
-2gig SD Card

and for the rest I don't know for sure... ow yeah, and shave stuff :lol:

Maybe the book is something to give to your kids or to youself. Seems very helpfull in all day situations..
You only get them? wtf??

Try giving, it feels really nice! <_<

I dunno what im getting/giving yet. I know for sure im buying myself a 360 premium with gears of war, but im still unsure what ill be getting from my mom, or even what she wants!
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Getting: Scarf, DS Lite case, card, fork (don't ask), another card, and other stuff I don't know about.
Giving: Camera, chocolate, stuffed animal, cards, soaps, dried fruit, photo prints, other stuff :D
As i wont be home for christmas (infact im leaving in 9 hours for a month :D ) I didnt get my fammily anything but I have bought my G/f A ring (not engagement) and a necklace
ill probably get my famil some books or cd's, im usually to broke to get anything but this year i have a like 50 bucks saved up, hopefully that will go a long way ;) me, i was gonna get some stuff for my ds but due to a horrible ds accident i doubt it (so 4gig sd cards an dexternal HD's ftw!)
lubidog posted on Dec 10 2006 at 10:24 PM said:
Alex. posted on Dec 10 2006 at 11:18 PM said:
Goity posted on Dec 10 2006 at 03:09 PM said:
I'm getting my dad some rigger boots I think
I've got my mum some sort of topaz and diamond based necklace
my sister, a 2gb ipod nano ripoff
My friends, various games
wtf you're 13 and you give diamond necklace gifts, is everyone really so much better off than me,, buggin life.

- Alex

I thought that!

What about wives/girlfriends? Brothers?
Firstly, I'm 14, and I don't know whether it's real diamond. All I know is that it said it was diamond and topaz, is a necklace and cost £31.99 from chapelle jewellery or something
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Well - for my mum I got a book on quilting, my dad is getting a classical CD, my sister a music CD, and my wife is getting the boots she bought for herself this morning ;)

I got a new DVD player, plus a mystery gift from the wife, and I've no idea what else - probably some stuff off my Amazon wishlist....