Comic Viwer


Jan 5, 2004
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i would like to know, if there is a comic viewer available :D . No seriously, i would like to know, which JPEG Viewer would be best for viewing comics. I would like to pu my Manga collection onto my GP32
I prefer the Gamepark official viewer 'cause it can resize pictures so that they fit to the GP32 screen, and the best: it can rotate them by 90°.
BTW for mangas scans the GP32 resolution is not enough for some small text, I already tried :(
[Bad Idea] what if the text was enlarged, but the image left the same size, it would hide more of the picture, and it would also take more time, and while ure doing it you would read the manga anyway [/Bad Idea]
[Bad Idea] what if the text was enlarged, but the image left the same size, it would hide more of the picture, and it would also take more time, and while ure doing it you would read the manga anyway [/Bad Idea]
Why on hell would I want to enlarge text only? I said nothing about such a dumb trick. I was just saying that some text on some scans I tried to read on GP32 were not big enough. Garfield does not contains much text so it could be possible but GP32 is not suitable for every comic strip on earth, in fact the resolution is not enough for many of them.
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well, the problem (the really big one) would be, that these Mangas are scanned pictures from the Manga Books itself. So the text is actually a picture. Therefore it would be very hard, to type out all the text, and put it back again into the picture.
As i have said several times: The Viewer built into the GP File Manager seems to be the most suitable one. Try it out, you'll love it.