Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Please stay safe, y'all

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So, most of these people are just protesting against wearing masks, because freedom !! :-# :
“An estimated 17,000 Germans packed the heart of Berlin on Saturday, defying public health requirements to maintain a safe distance from one another, or cover their noses and faces, before Berlin police moved to break up the demonstration against the country’s efforts to fight the spread of coronavirus.
The protest, under the motto “Day of Freedom” — a title shared by a 1935 Nazi propaganda film by Leni Reifenstahl — was supported by known neo-Nazi groups and conspiracy theorists, along with Germans who say they are fed up with the government-imposed restrictions on public life. Germany enforced a strict lockdown from mid-March that has been lifted in stages since the end of April, but large public gatherings are still banned and requirements for wearing masks on public transportation and in all stores remain.
A majority of Germans support the measures, but public health officials worry that people are becoming more lax, as the past weeks have seen a rise in new infections. On Saturday, 955 new cases were reported, compared with 580 two weeks ago.
Protesters at the demonstration blew whistles, heckled and jeered anyone wearing a mask, and carried the red, white and black flag of the 19th-century German Empire. They also carried signs equating the government-imposed restrictions to the Nazis’ forcing Jews to wear yellow stars. One banner, emblazoned with images of Chancellor Angela Merkel, her health minister and leading German public health officials, as well as Bill Gates, demanded: “Lock Them Up Already!”” :
“An estimated 17,000 Germans packed the heart of Berlin on Saturday, defying public health requirements to maintain a safe distance from one another, or cover their noses and faces, before Berlin police moved to break up the demonstration against the country’s efforts to fight the spread of coronavirus.
The protest, under the motto “Day of Freedom” — a title shared by a 1935 Nazi propaganda film by Leni Reifenstahl — was supported by known neo-Nazi groups and conspiracy theorists, along with Germans who say they are fed up with the government-imposed restrictions on public life. Germany enforced a strict lockdown from mid-March that has been lifted in stages since the end of April, but large public gatherings are still banned and requirements for wearing masks on public transportation and in all stores remain.
A majority of Germans support the measures, but public health officials worry that people are becoming more lax, as the past weeks have seen a rise in new infections. On Saturday, 955 new cases were reported, compared with 580 two weeks ago.
Protesters at the demonstration blew whistles, heckled and jeered anyone wearing a mask, and carried the red, white and black flag of the 19th-century German Empire. They also carried signs equating the government-imposed restrictions to the Nazis’ forcing Jews to wear yellow stars. One banner, emblazoned with images of Chancellor Angela Merkel, her health minister and leading German public health officials, as well as Bill Gates, demanded: “Lock Them Up Already!””
I always wonder if I'm missing some information, as those things make no sense to me.
Which things?
"heckled and jeered anyone wearing a mask"
"signs equating the government-imposed restrictions to the Nazis’ forcing Jews to wear yellow stars"
"One banner, emblazoned with images of Chancellor Angela Merkel, her health minister and leading German public health officials, as well as Bill Gates, demanded: “Lock Them Up Already!””"

Same for the 5G complaints.

There must some information stream to people that informs them these things make sense, and I'm missing that information.
So those things don't make sense to me as I don't know why they relate to the covid situation. And when I do look it up usually they still don't make sense to me, so I'm probably still missing something.
"heckled and jeered anyone wearing a mask"
"signs equating the government-imposed restrictions to the Nazis’ forcing Jews to wear yellow stars"
"One banner, emblazoned with images of Chancellor Angela Merkel, her health minister and leading German public health officials, as well as Bill Gates, demanded: “Lock Them Up Already!””"

Same for the 5G complaints.

There must some information stream to people that informs them these things make sense, and I'm missing that information.
So those things don't make sense to me as I don't know why they relate to the covid situation. And when I do look it up usually they still don't make sense to me, so I'm probably still missing something.
Far Right Watch has done a pretty good job of exposing the fora, twitter bot and dark web networks on which these rumours are spread but equally the tabloids can be just as bad: for example, the more easily impressionable people in the UK have been told - and outright lied to - by the tabloids for ~four decades that amongst other things, membership of the EU, experts and progressive attitudes in general are net bad things and a lot of these same people have been encouraged by these tabloids to be drawn towards groups like UKIP, BNP, EDL, DFLA, Britain First, Brexshit Party, National Action, the Naztories, other extreme right wing terrorist organisations etc. Then these groups (in particular their leaders like Yaxley-Lennon) encourage them to take part in marches protesting against measures designed to protect not just them but also their friends and families and everyone else’ was seen in London. These same groups have direct links with, for ex., the AfD and seek to spread Bannon’s sadomasochistic word throughout the rest of the EU which is why you end up with other far right wing sociopaths in particular encouraging such marches as that in Berlin.
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I always wonder if I'm missing some information, as those things make no sense to me.
You're probably missing a lot of information if your source is just the MSM and you do not apply critical thinking, for example (from the NYTimes article):
On Saturday, 955 new cases were reported, compared with 580 two weeks ago.
That information is useless. I do not care when they were reported I care about when they happened. Often cases only get reported multiple days after they happened. So it's actually possible that the amount of cases went down here but that the reporting was late. Their PDF even shows strings of days were the reported cases go up while the onset of symptoms goes down. If you want to make people believe that COVID-19 got worse during that period, report the reports. If you want to make them believe it went better during that period (maybe you've made new law against COVID-19 or something like that) reports to onset of symptoms.

They can also cherry pick other things like which people where in the crowd. E.g. what if 99% of Neo-Nazis supported the anti-COVID-19 measures and only 1 person in the protest was a Neo-Nazi? The report would be truthful, but definitely misleading. As far as we know it's possible there were medical professionals in there too. But that goes unreported, it's just "Neo-Nazis" and "conspiracy theorists"(a word which has become an anti-thought cliche anyway). Of course, I've seen many cases of MSM just straight-out lying and using actors, so I have little faith in the truthfulness of the report anyway. But even given for the sake of argument that the report is true, they could search for medical doctors or something like that in the crowd and when they find one (even if it's some lowly assistant in a field that has nothing to do with COVID-19) report something like "the protest was supported by medical professionals", or they could search for Neo-Nazis and as soon as they find one report "the protest included Neo-Nazis". It all depends, what do they want us to believe?

Another easy trick: only interview the crazies. Or if you want to support the protest, interview the medical professionals or other "authoritative" people. Both are bound to be present in such a large crowd. Or even easier: only interview your own actors! They will say whatever your script reads and act however you told them to act. Who's going to check that the interviewed people are really picked at random and from the protest?

I have not researched this article specifically but this is the kind of propaganda that's often used in the MSM so it's good to always be alert to it and be critical. We're all looking in a fog and the only information that gets thrown into our hands could just as well be propaganda.

It's probably the case that on both sides most people mean well. They've just been exposed to different information and propaganda. Most people do not want other people to die to a horrible disease and neither do they want people to have their lives destroyed by draconian measures. The question is mostly: according to the information/propaganda they received, which is worse?
You're probably missing a lot of information if your source is just the MSM and you do not apply critical thinking, for example (from the NYTimes article):

That information is useless. I do not care when they were reported I care about when they happened. Often cases only get reported multiple days after they happened. So it's actually possible that the amount of cases went down here but that the reporting was late. Their PDF even shows strings of days were the reported cases go up while the onset of symptoms goes down. If you want to make people believe that COVID-19 got worse during that period, report the reports. If you want to make them believe it went better during that period (maybe you've made new law against COVID-19 or something like that) reports to onset of symptoms.

They can also cherry pick other things like which people where in the crowd. E.g. what if 99% of Neo-Nazis supported the anti-COVID-19 measures and only 1 person in the protest was a Neo-Nazi? The report would be truthful, but definitely misleading. As far as we know it's possible there were medical professionals in there too. But that goes unreported, it's just "Neo-Nazis" and "conspiracy theorists"(a word which has become an anti-thought cliche anyway). Of course, I've seen many cases of MSM just straight-out lying and using actors, so I have little faith in the truthfulness of the report anyway. But even given for the sake of argument that the report is true, they could search for medical doctors or something like that in the crowd and when they find one (even if it's some lowly assistant in a field that has nothing to do with COVID-19) report something like "the protest was supported by medical professionals", or they could search for Neo-Nazis and as soon as they find one report "the protest included Neo-Nazis". It all depends, what do they want us to believe?

Another easy trick: only interview the crazies. Or if you want to support the protest, interview the medical professionals or other "authoritative" people. Both are bound to be present in such a large crowd. Or even easier: only interview your own actors! They will say whatever your script reads and act however you told them to act. Who's going to check that the interviewed people are really picked at random and from the protest?

I have not researched this article specifically but this is the kind of propaganda that's often used in the MSM so it's good to always be alert to it and be critical. We're all looking in a fog and the only information that gets thrown into our hands could just as well be propaganda.

It's probably the case that on both sides most people mean well. They've just been exposed to different information and propaganda. Most people do not want other people to die to a horrible disease and neither do they want people to have their lives destroyed by draconian measures. The question is mostly: according to the information/propaganda they received, which is worse?
If more critical/analytical thinking like this was applied - but universally - then we probably wouldn’t be in such a situation in the first place... And please, let’s not stoop to Trump’s tactic that “there are some very fine people on both sides” (when one of those sides is white nationalist - essentially the KKK etc.) whilst he now says anti-fa and BLM are simply “terrorists”, and deliberately obstructs and covers up scientific approaches to dealing with Covid-19. Such an approach is aped by his and Bannon’s mutual chumps across the Atlantic Bridge in London, where what was until 10 years ago a leading, pandemic-prepared system has been systematically defunded and dismantled, where resources were also deliberately and explicitly diverted for Brexshit, primarily in the interests of Atlantic Bridge and CFoR.
When in the midst of a pandemic an independent, transparent scientific advisory group for emergencies has to be formed for the benefit of the public because the one the dictatorship is “following” is so opaque, you realise just how necessary critical/analytical thinking and transparency are.
The transparency thing is particularly relevant to such projects as Pyra when many of us are (at least in part) here for a more open, community-based technological platform in our society. Hardware isn’t selected purely on hearsay without any critical/analytical thinking; members with actually relevant qualifications and knowledge look up components, their specifications and needs/interactions with other components, weigh up their pros and cons and decide on what’s most appropriate for the project.
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And please, let’s not stoop to Trump’s tactic that “there are some very fine people on both sides”
No need to worry, I'm just resorting to my own tactic of telling it how it is. (And just to be clear, I'm not a Trump supporter and I'm not right-wing.)

when one of those sides is white nationalist - essentially the KKK etc.)
How do you know? Have you spoken with people who are against the COVID-19 measures?

There are valid objections against the COVID-19 measures. COVID-19 can kill people, but COVID-19 measures kill people as well. The damage of destroying economies worldwide is huge. People are committing suicide and starving because of measures. And many old sick people are dependent on help from friends and family and their lives are made miserable by COVID-19 measures.

Both sides have valid concerns. It's too bad the situation is not really as easy as the MSM makes it look. One side wanting people to survive and having all the reliable scientists and the other side just being villains who want to spread selfishness and hate for no reason would make it easy to choose a side. But the real issue is much more complicated and much less clearcut than that. The whole COVID-19 issue is very complicated and it's hidden in a thick fog.
I always wonder if I'm missing some information, as those things make no sense to me.
Unfortunately, it takes a few years to be able to see the bigger picture and, just like chess, to see moves and counter moves. And then, it takes seas of time to keep up.
While you investigate, there is so much misinformation, that, even if you have the video of an interview, it could only present part of the data, and steer you into a wrong conclusion (see picture).
So how to learn that skill?
An example of how governments told the population to stock up on food preparing for a quarantine, but steered in such a way that panic idiots started buying toilet paper, while essential food for your kids was still available (well, to be honest, it was around 3 days here in the Netherlands before vegetables and fruit came back). Just look at black friday videos on YT to see how stupid crowds can be.
If you want to know more about that look up "Handbook of human ownership"

Then, start small, for example, go to the official website:
And read between the lines about, and I quote:
De oversterfte was in deze periode met 404 veel lager dan de gemiddelde oversterfte in de afgelopen 5 griepepidemieën (6.443).
So what does that mean? Difficult! By having less travel, you have less contagion, and thus less mortality. (Although staying inside, not exercising, will increase cardio-vascular diseases. Staying inside and not ventilating enough will increase respiratory diseases, extroverts either get lonely/unhappy and that reduces their lifespan, or they break the rules and become a vector, etc. In short, too many factors that can skew the figure)
"Oversterfte" is the amount of people that die above the normal, outside flu season. So you get a sense of, without knowing all numbers for deaths from $different_illness, how many died from this new strain. However, the figures in the past are not uniform, in flu season 2017/2018 the deaths were much higher... and I think that this would have been a good number for this year, if no measures would have been taken. But that's only an opinion.
What we do know is that Netherlands is now bundling the information for a weekly report because some days go by without changes. And that we are out of the flu season.

So there are ramifications, for example, since there is less traffic on the road, one insurance company lowered the monthly "premie". But all I see on the roads are "zondagsrijders" people that, because they do not drive daily, are dangerous on the road. So for me, it's not that logical. Especially because replacing a mirror now, is much more expensive than 20 years ago, when we did not have the anti-fog heater, electronically moveable mirror, incorporated blinking lights, or my favourite: a hud display over the mirror that goes red when there is a car driving on the lane you want to go to. Costs just go up. So that insurance company is actually doing it to grab more customers, not because it became cheaper.
In other countries, gasoline is dirt cheap now that the demand is less. But not in the Netherlands due to the accijns (an extra tax).

Other things you should know:
* Unpopular laws always get approved just before summer hollidays
* Some temporal measures become permanent (google Kwartje van Kok). Especially when it is about freedoms, they erode away.
* Plans from governments with the population are long term (search for: Agenda 21). Movies are used to make the population get used to things.
* You cook a lobster by slowly raising the temperature of the water.
* A vaccine in one country is not the same as in another. All rejects and contaminated vaccines in the 80-90ties were not destroyed, but actually shipped to Africa and used there (with less strict regulations).
* For each website that claims one thing, another claims the total opposite, for example, this debunk site:
* But also:
* A vaccine one year, could be different from another year, even when coming from the same lab.
* In Australia, all the normal flu deaths were added to the Covid deaths. Same happened in other countries.
* Some hospitals claim people died from Covid, to get the government money for "treating" them.
* To extrapolate the deaths in China, the west measured permanently disconnected cellular phones. A much more reliable figure than the official numbers.
* Not everything is black/white, for example, BBC brings good, in depth, news. But during the Iraki Gulfwar, were more a propaganda outlet than an news station. And they knowingly protected Jimmy.
* Watch both sides of the news. If you watch CNN, also watch AlJazeera. If you listen to BNR, also read FOK. If you read NU also read 94News. After a while, you know how a news outlet skews the news, and you can un-filter it.
* It is possible to read too much. Don't get a burn-out. Don't read too much gloom and doom or you'll get depressed. The world of politics is very dark and dirty.

It's important to watch different sides, sometimes people that comment on a news article bring insight. Sometimes they bring F.U.D.


For example, see how the news presenter interrupts and keeps the ambassador on edge (psychological tactics):
To the point that the ambassador could not form coherent phrases. And that's seen as a win... weird, right?

Then, take a step back, and remember Gulag and Siberia or Guantanamo bay/Abu Graib and that all countries have dirty hands, so to speak.

So, back to Germany. The video, actually puts emphasis on the fact that the "grundwet" is being changed, a warning sign. The civil unrest, feels to our older generations as the days before the WorldWar.
In the Netherlands, the same plans were also stopped by protests, but as you know, the order of the words in the law is swapped around, but it's the same thing that gets approved.
To be honest, in the Netherlands we have still much more freedom. Look at Belgium:
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It's probably the case that on both sides most people mean well. They've just been exposed to different information and propaganda. Most people do not want other people to die to a horrible disease and neither do they want people to have their lives destroyed by draconian measures. The question is mostly: according to the information/propaganda they received, which is worse?
Probably this is the case. Both sides have their extremes amplified, causing the relation between the two sides disappear, seemingly talking about different things.

For example:
Left media reports: BLM peaceful protest against structural police violence against african-americans at a federal court house, and at night police can act more aggressive.
Right media reports: There are riots and the federal police are defending a federal court house.
Left media reports: Trump deploys military forces and secret police in city, arresting random protestors and use unnecessary force.
Right media reports: City majors not deploying police against violent protestors, federal buildings that are unprotected get burned down. Trump sends federal officers to defend federal buildings.
Both media sound to have some reasonable arguments but appear to be reporting only on some parts of events, making the discussion black/white.

And I'm missing something: Why are they protesting at a federal court house, there isn't any police there? And why is border patrol deployed in Portland?
It just all looks like a political message instead of the proposed message: don't kill innocent people and don't destroy property, which is something probably both sides agree on.

I assume groups will take advantage of situations like this pandemic and the economic impact.
Big corporations will gladly take tax-payer money to soften their losses while most individuals don't have this option.
Some part of government will gladly mix their individual agenda together with good proposal, but I haven't seen big conspiracy-like changes in laws to control people in the future (there probably will be, but they usually don't get much media attention).

And I assume government still acts in best interest of their people, even when they make bad decision that can have a big impact on people. Hopefully unknown to these external influences, not actively co-operating.
While I think it's better to have guidelines that people should apply themselves, it looks like this isn't working properly in practice. Making it so that the government has to impose rules that don't feel necessary for portions of the population.
Same there, I think most/everyone agrees that getting sick and having some people die isn't a good thing. It's the imbalance and inconsistency in choices I think most people disagree. It's not so much a black/white thing that they say Covid is a hoax or everyone should be locked inside, most people agree it exists and people should be able to be outside and reasonably socialize.

Guessing the 5G towers on fire and everybody is dying gets more views/reads (and more ad revenue), making the more sensible discussion about what should be done next somewhat less interesting.

For example, see how the news presenter interrupts and keeps the ambassador on edge (psychological tactics):
To the point that the ambassador could not form coherent phrases. And that's seen as a win... weird, right?
It's that mix of pushing a political agenda instead of reporting news.
If you report other things then the expected view of your target audience you might lose viewership, that directly affects your the companies income.
So, most of these people are just protesting against wearing masks, because freedom !! :-#

Pardon me for a bit of a writeup, I would like to address this last post as it has come up many times while trying to understand the unrest in America (and why we are making terrible decisions in the West in general).

Do you know what what the most beautiful part of getting older is? The older you get, the more you see with greater and greater clarity that everyone is lying to everyone all the time and just bullshitting their way through life and career.

Aging (for men) is the process of gaining competence. The older a man gets, hopefully, the greater competence he attains. The greater competence he attains, the greater amount of responsibility in society that he is given. The greater the burden of leadership / responsibility that he is able to sustain the greater the rewards.

What that means is that when a man is young, he looks at everyone around him and see all humans as greater them him, with more knowledge and competence than him, he believes that there is true knowledge and understanding. When he gets a little bit older he starts to see that most people are just trying to stay one chapter ahead of everyone else to hide their incompetence and that TRUE KNOWLEDGE and understanding is UNBELIEVABLY DIFFICULT (impossible even, we can only really make decisions based on probabilities). When you get old enough, you start to become aware of your own lies and lack of competence.

I write the above to explain the following: The reason that the "but muh freedom" critique is false is for two reasons:

* The statement assumes that people in power are competent and capable.

* The statement also assumes that with leaders that have 100% competence have ONLY ONE optimal answer to the question "should we wear masks / distance / etc".

All of that is 100% false. If you are a tech, you know that most techs don't know shit and those that are competent are competent in only the most narrow of silos. If you are a heart surgeon, you know that there are A LOT of bad heart surgeons. If you are a lawyer you know there are A LOT of bad lawyers. If you are a care mechanic, you know there are A LOT of bad car mechanics. And, if you are an expert in any field, you know that there are NO single answers to any large question, only possibilities with probabilities of various consequences attached to them.

What I am trying to get at is this is a really great way to view life: THERE IS ONLY ONE THING IN LIFE THAT MUST BE PROTECTED: FREEDOM.

All human activity is the process of incompetent men negotiating away their freedom to other incompetent men. It is unfortunate that a man only becomes wise enough to understand how important it is to protect freedom once he has negotiated it all away.

This is basically what this rally was all about. It is the subconcious suspicion of other mens claims that they have all the answers rising to the surface. And, this is what is at the root of the problem of the EU and it's immigration disaster. This is the same problem in Canada, Australia and New Zeland where we keep on voting in communists. And finally, this is what is underlying the the unrest in America.

It is everyone subconsciously realizing that all of the structures that rule us are populated and run by 100% incompetent people who are attempting to control other people.

I hate to say it, but the Americans are right. Give me MUH FREEDOM or give me death.
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In reply to my self, there is an excellent counter argument to the above which basically states: Do not trust anyone in power or leadership, they are incompetent and incapable of making good decisions.

The best rebuttal to that is: If we are ruled by incompetent liars, how are we able to put men on the moon, robots on mars and have brain surgeons actually fix human brains?

I think the answer is probably obvious:

1) Those organization that can measure their success in terms of tolerences (meters, feet, blood pressure, which lobe is being operated on, etc) can implement the kinds of controls to focus the probability cloud to a sharp point can not only achieve specific goals but replicate them.

2) Those organizations that CANNOT measure their success in terms of tolerences (once again: meters, feet, blood pressure, etc). cannot achieve anything at all.

Governments, health instititutions and so forth are in the second category. Engineering firms are in the first category.

Please note that, while, category #2 is mostly garbage populated with garbage people, it has a MAJOUR advantage over the category #1 organziation: Flexibility. Organizations in category #1 are highly focused but tend to be ridgid, inflexibly and susceptible to breaking very quickly. Organizations in category #2 lack focus and therefore are highly flexible and resilient to pressure.

There are pros and cons to both, but the pros and cons are not symmetrical between the categories.
How do you know? Have you spoken with people who are against the COVID-19 measures?
It's a right wing belief that the value in people is expressed only in the work that they do, and the value of that work is only measured in dollars. It may be a bit extreme to describe them as being analagous to the KKK, but this is Germany, so who really knows?

To be clear, most Germans are lovely people, and in the past few decades seem to have been mainly left leaning social democrats, at least it seems so from the outside. But more recently that does seem to have resulted in the growth of rejection by young people becoming more right wing.
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I hate to say it, but the Americans are right.

and we're the best at number of infections now, too! freedom (liberty) comes after life in the declaration of independence. your right to swing your fist ends at my nose; so too it should be with germs and breathing.

just wear a d@*# mask... liberty won't mean anything if our economy goes into free fall.
and we're the best at number of infections now, too! freedom (liberty) comes after life in the declaration of independence. your right to swing your fist ends at my nose; so too it should be with germs and breathing.

just wear a d@*# mask... liberty won't mean anything if our economy goes into free fall.

This is actually wrong. The statistics you are being told is wrong by at least a factor of 50% if not more. A recent incidence in Florida had them reduce their reported Chinese Flu down by 90%.

Most doctors in the US are being told to report Chinese Flu deaths even when people die of co-morbidities.

The data we are being fed is incorrect because everything is now political (well, technically, everything always was political, we can finally see the process for what it is).

Do you know how the UK tracks Chinese Flu deaths? They input all users that tested positive for the Chinese Flu into a database. If the person dies + they had been tested positive for the Chinese Flu, they are marked as dying from the Chinese Flu automatically. No one checks, no one does tests on why the person died (and even if they did, how would they know?)

Not only is the system rigged because everyone NEEDS their political views verified, the system is full of incompetent people incapable of making competent decisions.

Did you know that at LEAST 50% of all research papers published in peer reviewed journals CANNOT BE REPLICATED?

All of the data that we have is bad. Don't trust anyone, get at least 4 opinions from any specialist and do your research at as great a technical level as you can.
Far Right Watch has done a pretty good job of exposing the fora, twitter bot and dark web networks on which these rumours are spread but equally the tabloids can be just as bad: for example, the more easily impressionable people in the UK have been told - and outright lied to - by the tabloids for ~four decades that amongst other things, membership of the EU, experts and progressive attitudes in general are net bad things and a lot of these same people have been encouraged by these tabloids to be drawn towards groups like UKIP, BNP, EDL, DFLA, Britain First, Brexshit Party, National Action, the Naztories, other extreme right wing terrorist organisations etc. Then these groups (in particular their leaders like Yaxley-Lennon) encourage them to take part in marches protesting against measures designed to protect not just them but also their friends and families and everyone else’ was seen in London. These same groups have direct links with, for ex., the AfD and seek to spread Bannon’s sadomasochistic word throughout the rest of the EU which is why you end up with other far right wing sociopaths in particular encouraging such marches as that in Berlin.

So, just out of curiosity, a few questions:

1) Is it possible that you are wrong? Is it possible that they are right?

2) How many other ways is it possible to classify political views other than right wing and left wing?

3) Is it possible to analyze the value systems of the right and the value systems of the left WITHOUT using any political labels at all?

Note: I mean these questions with love. I would love to hear your thoughts.
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Would you be kind and not refer to it as the Chinese Flu. For starters it's not even an influenza type virus.

Hi Levi.

1) PLEASE PLEASE read this as a post from someone who really enjoys everyones comments and posts on here. You guys are the nicest people.

If you were family, I would oblige. If you were a friend, I would consider it, of course.

2) And, this is where I am torn. My use of the term Chinese Flu is a tiny political protest against a whole set of problems in the West. If I were to start enumarting these problems I would be accusing you (accidentally) of a lot of things and I don't wish to do that at all.

So, Levi, if you would be kind enough, please categorise my use of Chinese Flu as a political protest. The use of the other term is so offensive to me that I cannot begin to write about that in a fair way.
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