Devil 64 Newest News

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Animan said:
C'mon, $2340 is a good chunk of change. If I was being offered that amount of money to make an emulator, I wouldn't sleep writing it.
In that case you never had a job before or you have no clue whatsoever about how much work is involved in writing an emulator.
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Caine said:
In that case you never had a job before or you have no clue whatsoever about how much work is involved in writing an emulator.

Nonetheless, not claiming that money by releasing an emulator that's already been written (where there are no liabilities in doing so) is a little hard to swallow. Not caring about money is one thing, but that is outright hating money.
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Exophase said:
Caine said:
In that case you never had a job before or you have no clue whatsoever about how much work is involved in writing an emulator.

Nonetheless, not claiming that money by releasing an emulator that's already been written (where there are no liabilities in doing so) is a little hard to swallow. Not caring about money is one thing, but that is outright hating money.

I think we're missing the obvious. He's a communist. That's why he doesn't want to release it to the "English"-forum which is marked by rampant capitalism! I, being Swedish, am very hurt by this generalization.
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Nevertheless would be fun to see a software released under a license that forbids you to speak English when installing or using it :D
ok , that now is enugh.

I dont have the Time, to call any of Librarys and Wordbooks on the Net, to understand that Comments, and i dont need to do this.
The most of it, is just commentary, that dont cares.

I want to say, only one Thing also:
The Money, is also a Comment, that no one cares, we are having only just some stuff of Fun to read this, no on will be risk over 2000$ really, to a Projekt he dont know.

To the Rest here :
I am Back, and we have made many things, testet many things, and it will work.

Now , here some bug Fixes, and than will be released Alpha. Believe or not, that is not important, important is only, what will be happen.

The Rest, and this i say like You comments, in "non understanding words" for a Person, that dont is an English Profi :

"Wenn ihr sonst nüscht uff der pfonne hoabt, statt des Maul aufzureissen, un schlicht über zeuch, was ihr net ma kennt, un einschätzen könnt, irgendwlechen stumpfsinn abzugeben - dann iss der ganze thread fürn hintern."

zhasha said:
Yoyobuae said:
I like the friend's name:
Look who's trolling now
Sorry, got carried away by the other trolling posts, like this one:
zhasha said:
u all no prefectly wel that u cna emu n64 on 100mhz bcuz n64 is olny 93.75mhz nd 100 is biggr then 93.75 ololololololo
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For the record (and as Google translator probably won't help you here):

CrazyRetro said:
"Wenn ihr sonst nüscht uff der pfonne hoabt, statt des Maul aufzureissen, un schlicht über zeuch, was ihr net ma kennt, un einschätzen könnt, irgendwlechen stumpfsinn abzugeben - dann iss der ganze thread fürn hintern."

"If you are not able to do anything else than opening your big fat mouth and talk nonsense about stuff you don't know or are even able to evalute - then this whole thread is pointless."

Edit: I LOLed at google's translation :D
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First of all: English! Because this CrazyRetro guy just writes in Engrish at the moment.

Not releasing software that has its roots in 2001 is just plain silly. And saying no to $2000 is even more ridiculous. Show us a video of your emulator instead of talking about your alpha software that's already nine years in development.
CrazyRetro said:
ok , that now is enugh.

I dont have the Time, to call any of Librarys and Wordbooks on the Net, to understand that Comments, and i dont need to do this.
The most of it, is just commentary, that dont cares.

I want to say, only one Thing also:
The Money, is also a Comment, that no one cares, we are having only just some stuff of Fun to read this, no on will be risk over 2000$ really, to a Projekt he dont know.

To the Rest here :
I am Back, and we have made many things, testet many things, and it will work.

Now , here some bug Fixes, and than will be released Alpha. Believe or not, that is not important, important is only, what will be happen.

The Rest, and this i say like You comments, in "non understanding words" for a Person, that dont is an English Profi :

"Wenn ihr sonst nüscht uff der pfonne hoabt, statt des Maul aufzureissen, un schlicht über zeuch, was ihr net ma kennt, un einschätzen könnt, irgendwlechen stumpfsinn abzugeben - dann iss der ganze thread fürn hintern."


Please refrain from using any language other than engirsh please. There are other forums you can use if that is a ploblem.

Now show us a damn video beflor we take away the monies
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Unlike CrazyRetro, I did actually make an N64 emulator, and I have a fairly good idea as to what the system requirements are for N64 emulation, and where the Wiz falls short.

Why N64 emulation does not work well on the Wiz:

1. Memory. The wiz has 64MB, with 32MB reserved. That's not enough to keep a full N64 game in memory, and would require some nasty hacks to swap data in and out.

2. Cache. The dynamic recompiler incurs a lot of overhead due to cycle counting, register caching, 64-bit operations, and memory mapping. The MIPS code expands to about 4x as many instructions when recompiled to ARM. Code that would fit in the 8K cache on a N64 does not fit into the 16K i-cache on a Wiz. Moreover the Wiz has a huge penalty for cache misses.

3. 3D acceleration. This is the biggest bottleneck on the Pandora, and would be even worse on a Wiz.

It's probably possible to run a N64 emulator on the Caanoo, which has enough memory, but it would be slow and I just don't see the point.

I don't understand why people on the German forum think they will be blessed with a magical super-emulator if they worship CrazyRetro.
CrazyRetro said:
I want to say, only one Thing also:
The Money, is also a Comment, that no one cares, we are having only just some stuff of Fun to read this, no on will be risk over 2000$ really, to a Projekt he dont know.

So we're the liars now, right? Unfortunately, it's impossible to prove we're honest if you can never prove your work in the first place.
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Caine said:
Animan said:
C'mon, $2340 is a good chunk of change. If I was being offered that amount of money to make an emulator, I wouldn't sleep writing it.
In that case you never had a job before or you have no clue whatsoever about how much work is involved in writing an emulator.

I'm 14. I guess I should have made that more clear...
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Animan said:
Caine said:
Animan said:
C'mon, $2340 is a good chunk of change. If I was being offered that amount of money to make an emulator, I wouldn't sleep writing it.
In that case you never had a job before or you have no clue whatsoever about how much work is involved in writing an emulator.

I'm 14. I guess I should have made that more clear...
2 grand is a months wages, or more, for the average employed person. If you work in retail you might get half of that for working > 40 hours.

I have a well paid job and am pretty comfortable financially but there's no way I'd turn down that much cash for "nothing". It's a nice holiday, some fancy new toys or a chunk out of your mortgage. Even if we assume that the "donors" wouldn't pay up, he's got the chance to make them the liars.

My favourite bit is how one of the project "milestones" was to install Ubuntu.
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x68000 said:
Now show us a damn video beflor we take away the monies

Even if there was a video it would be fake. All he would do would be to make a video of an N64 emu on a PC, encode it and then play it back on a Wiz video player.

Then he would "film" the Wiz playing the video originally from a PC emu. IT would still be fake, but at least then he would be trying to do a decent hoax instead of all of this talk.
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DaveC said:
x68000 said:
Now show us a damn video beflor we take away the monies

Even if there was a video it would be fake. All he would do would be to make a video of an N64 emu on a PC, encode it and then play it back on a Wiz video player.

Then he would "film" the Wiz playing the video originally from a PC emu. IT would still be fake, but at least then he would be trying to do a decent hoax instead of all of this talk.

You mean like this one? :lol:
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