Does anyone have a timeline for blue-tooth controllers in emulators?


I know that the emulators are made by many various people, but still I have this idea in the back of my head about using the device as my on-the-go handheld/computer and then when I'm at my house, hooking it up to the tv, connecting a bluetooth controller, and then playing games on my tv. This issue is likely to get an answer like "we've got no idea" but it is still something that I'd love to see done as it'd make me get the thing right away instead of sitting off on the sidelines waiting. I know that most bluetooth controllers aren't likely to work since most emulators require various buttons only on the pandora, but with the icp2 it is essentially the pandora's input, are they any timelines as far as allowing input over bluetooth in the emulators? Either by the developers themselves, or some sort of daemon that reads input through bluetooth and then sends off the keycodes to the application itself.

I know it's very run-ony but I couldn't think of a better way to ask the question.
This should be possible with currently available software tools, someone more knowledgeable than me will answer soon.