Does software need to be updated with new 1.60 release?


Mar 30, 2014
I'm using pndmanager(really cool) but I'm finding some of my stuff doesn't work now. (Stepmania, pcex rearmed, nes emulator. Other games work like zdoom,meritous. I tries uninstalling and reinstalling but the same issue. So does the community or the dev need to manually update these for them to work on a new version? Cause now I can't play my emus :(
I can't speak for Stepmania, but the other emulators shouldn't break with the 1.60 release as they seem to work fine on all three of my Pandoras (First Batch, Rebirth, 1Ghz) they're all on the latest updates.
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:/ I even tried ppsspp that was just updated. It doesn't boot. The screen flashes for a split second and nothing. Hmmmmm. Any suggestions....
Just a wild hunch.. sometimes you can have some rogue PND mount points in the /mnt/utmp directory that will cause the PND not to mount properly...

First eject both your SD cards.. *IMPORTANT*

bring up a command line terminal.

go into this directory:

cd /mnt/utmp

Then do a directory listing


If you see anything in this directory then you need to purge it.. **Ensure you are still in the /mnt/utmp directory ** (you could delete a lot with this command if you're not in the right directory)

sudo rm -r *
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There are 2 files both of them not related to files that aren't opening. However after I type on the last line it says something like we trust you have received the usual lecture etc. then gives 3 things

Respect the privacy of others, think before you type and with great power comes responsibility.

Then a password but I can't type anything.
you need to provide your login password.. it will not show anything when you type this password like a star or dot, but you are indeed typing it.. it's how passwords are dealt with on command line in Unix/Linux.

If you need to get out of this you can do a CTRL-C

Essentially the sudo command shown in the command I gave you is giving yourself super user access.. otherwise you couldn't delete those files.
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Ok trashy will try now. Thanks btw for your help. I can se you far more advanced then me. I know very little about this system so bare with me.
No worries, I get paid big money for this.. well not really, but I do visit these forums a little too much during my work hours.. so it seems like I do this professionally. 
***types in pass word now it gives me another prompt


Now what?
That most likely means it cleared it out, it won't return any messages if it worked.

try doing another 

and see if those files are still there.. 

if it's clear, put back in the SD cards and see if you still have issues.

This is kind of a wild theory, sometimes just rebooting or taking out and putting back in the SD cards can resolve the PND launching issues.
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Ok I did successfully. However I put back in my sdcards and emus are still not booting up properly..... :/. This is a 1ghz btw and I just got it Friday. Just updated 1.60 today
Did you reboot after updating?, It may not hurt and try another reboot.. If that doesn't work then It may be something bigger.. 

And maybe a fresh manual firmware flash may be needed.

Use the Fresh Install instructions Here:

You will need a free SD card to do this.. use the "To SD card instruction" which is a bit mis-titled as it will flash the NAND from the SD card.. 

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If you got it used, reflashing is probably a good idea anyway, but I suspect that the previous owner installed a non-standard graphics driver version using notaz's driver PND causing the symptoms you mentioned.
Reflashed. Everything is working better then ever :D installed some themes and good to go! Any themes to recommended?