Donate Pledge

Actually you can't just pick one up, I was helping with the production and my payment was a early Pandora, which i preordered :)

I'm sure they would sign it for you if you arranged to send it to them, :)

As it happens I am in Greater Manchester too! were do you live?
Actually you can't just pick one up, I was helping with the production and my payment was a early Pandora, which i preordered :)

I'm sure they would sign it for you if you arranged to send it to them, :)

As it happens I am in Greater Manchester too! were do you live?,+Worsley,+Manchester+M28+3TX&gl=uk&ei=isVaTZDQD4POhAeM06GJDQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBkQ8gEwAA

How about you?

I'm sure there are many Pandora customers in Manchester.....
I'm sure there are I met a few on here already,

Here's me

I used to visit Salford a few years ago when my friends were in uni. In theory your just down the road as I live near the A6 too LOL.