Release DosBox EX v4 - Release

  • Thread starter Thread starter StreaK
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We have MH-T engine [somewhere] to play Albion without DosBox.. Other that that Albion is really resource unfriendly on DosBox as its a game from 1995.

I have the Albion engine pnd but have as much trouble with that as this. You have to install Albion v1.38 on your PC first, then move it all

across in to the engine, and from what I have seen it requires some programmy type stuff in the terminal. I have no idea what version I have

and I do not own a PC.
First time a newb like me has got DosBox running on my Pandora, so massive thanks! Couple games are missing sound for me, but I'm still trying to work a few things out so no major problems.

I am also a complete noob with DosBox on Pandora are you using v3 or v4 ?

V4 - I just open up my files and change the exe into 01.exe, and that gets them to load. The main issues I'm having at the moment is that some of the games ignores the controls once they load, so I cant actually get into the game itself. Ironically, the ones I *can* get into and load have other problems (Rise of the Dragon has no sound for example). But it's further than I've got with DosBox on Pandora before now, so 'slow and steady wins the race' I guess ;)

So you only changed the one .exe file ?

I have a game here and it has these Game.EXE, Main.exe, Setup.EXE and DOS4GW.EXE

Do I only change one or all of them ?

i guess you should only change game.exe to 01.exe [always leave DOS4GW.EXE untouched]

Nope did not work at all just put me back to DOS prompt could not find a way out so force shutdown.

I changed the SETUP.EXE to 01.EXE and it took me through the setup process and the end of which it took me to

the DOS prompt, haha I though its worked and typed in the name of the game, after while I got the message...

Please insert the game CD in you CD-ROM drive.

All this is what made me give up with Pandora DosBox before, I have spent all afternoon and upto now trying to get something working

in this, to say I am fedup is about right :( :(

Thanks for trying to help by the way Appreciated.

Well at least it's not just me then.. i have tried multiple different games (does it matter which?) and have exactly the same issues.
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I have the Albion engine pnd but have as much trouble with that as this. You have to install Albion v1.38 on your PC first, then move it all

across in to the engine, and from what I have seen it requires some programmy type stuff in the terminal. I have no idea what version I have

and I do not own a PC.
No programmy stuff. Install it on your desktop through DosBox, and then just copy the directory to your SD card in the appdata/albion folder.
I have the Albion engine pnd but have as much trouble with that as this. You have to install Albion v1.38 on your PC first, then move it all

across in to the engine, and from what I have seen it requires some programmy type stuff in the terminal. I have no idea what version I have

and I do not own a PC.
No programmy stuff. Install it on your desktop through DosBox, and then just copy the directory to your SD card in the appdata/albion folder.

Yes, but I have no MS driven PC, and have sruggled in the past with DosBox on my Mac, that is why I now use Boxer for all my Mac DosBox needs.
If boxer could be ported it would be a blessing for people like me who maybe want to take a PC game with them :)

You open Boxer and you get three options, Browse your games/Import a new game/Open DOS prompt.

From there you drag and drop the game folder you want to play onto the Import a new game, as good as job done.

It has Aspect ratio settings etc, drag window to any size, full screen, add drives, CPU settings all at your finger tips.

Oh and I never touch the DOS prompt option :(

Just for people who may not have seen it or used it, yes it is Mac only.
That would be another option for StreaKs launcher:

A file, that the launcher reads and that contains all kind of information for the game. Those files could be user created and shared.
@Milkshake, a lot of Boxer rely's on APIs on OSX sadly :(

FYI StreaK Dos Games are not ROMS and should never be called Roms EVER :P Oh and as everyone else is saying, i'd like a symlinks as well :)
Who said dosbox games are roms? Me? [Please read everything carefull, i mention about it in http://boards.openpa...post__p__118378 thread ] /roms folder exist because im preparing to use roms-like format for dos games *.dbe [zipped games like in mame ex] that will be added in v5.
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that sounds cool, how will it know which executable to run? Will you have to rename it like in this release and then zip it up?
Finally got around to testing v4 this weekend and it works very well.

Tie-Fighter (Floppy version) works okay at 1000 mhz with Graphical Details [Alt-D] set to lowest..

The thing is the nub-mouse doesnt seem to work with "export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=omapdss" in the startup script.

I commented out [#] export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=omapdss and the nubs started working.

I actually finished the Battle 1 Mission 1 using the nub-mouse.

Is the nub-mouse supposed to work with "export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=omapdss"?

Does this version of DoxBox support external joysticks?

Has anyone tried Wing Commander on this?

I can't get it to run, I have run the setup but when I run the game exe it freezes at the dos prompt.
I don't use v4 (using v3) because of the new way it handles filenames, but I don't think enough praise and encouragment has been laid out to Streak for his ports. Seriously, you are awesome. (And I am looking forward to v5 hint hint wink wink)