Dpad Allignment


dancin' to the moldies
Aug 28, 2003
Usa, Ohio
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I bought another gp2x with a davec dpad a month or so back and its wonderful. The problem is that the dpad seems to become unresponsive to the up button press after a few hours of play. This is terribly annoying as it usually happens in the middle of a great round of wind and water puzzle battles.

I was wondering if this was a common problem and if there is a way to use a light adhesive or something to get the pad to stay in place just so. I honestly have no clue the exact problem but when I open it up and reposition it all seems well. I've opened up my gp2x so many times in the last few weeks that I'm afraid of breaking some of the plastic bits and hope someone has more of a long term solution. Thanks already for reading this.

EDIT: Crap, this should be moved to I need help!
bump! I can clarify if needed. Im really anxious to play again but my dpad is pure suck right now and its so hard to go back to my first edition after i've tasted glory.
Well, I've never taken my gp2x apart before, but if it was mine I would see if I could rotate the membrane 180 degrees, so up is now down and left is now right. If it's symmetrical you might be able to do this. Then, see if the problem now occurs on the down direction. If so, it's time for a new membrane. I'm guessing membranes aren't much different from remote controls, and can wear out after a while.
Just use a -tiny- dab of rubber cement or other glue on the edge of the membrane to hold it in place. It just needs to keep it from sliding. Carefull not to get it anywhere near the contacts.
grahf said:
Just use a -tiny- dab of rubber cement or other glue on the edge of the membrane to hold it in place. It just needs to keep it from sliding. Carefull not to get it anywhere near the contacts.
Ill have to try this during the college games today
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