Drmd - Sram


Oct 4, 2005
Liverpool, UK
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Now for this I'm going on the assumption that SRAM is the built-in memory that some megadrive cartridges had, such a Sonic 3, and I was just wondering...

Does anyone play Sonic 3 on their GP2X, then when they go back to it later (after turning off the unit), and press start on the title screen, find nothing but a load of squares that say 'NEW' on them? That's the problem I'm having, I've tried selecting 'Save SRAM' whilst playing, but nope...

Any ideas?
TwoHeadedBoy posted on Dec 18 2005 at 10:17 AM said:
Now for this I'm going on the assumption that SRAM is the built-in memory that some megadrive cartridges had, such a Sonic 3, and I was just wondering...

Does anyone play Sonic 3 on their GP2X, then when they go back to it later (after turning off the unit), and press start on the title screen, find nothing but a load of squares that say 'NEW' on them? That's the problem I'm having, I've tried selecting 'Save SRAM' whilst playing, but nope...

Any ideas?

I had the same problem with Phantasy Star 4. I just started using save states, though.
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I too get this problem.

I am sure i saw another thread on this boards with referance to it.

using save states seem to work tho.
I'm pretty sure that Sonic 3 should save onto the ROM, I don't know if you just have a dirty ROM, or if DrMDx doesn't have the ability to yet. Either way, until that problem is fixed, Save states should be fine.
It seems that it isn't properly detecting the SRAM for all games. For example, Shining Force doesn't seem to have any problem saving, but Sonic 3 does. But fortunately the save states work perfectly fine.
God Ginrai posted on Dec 18 2005 at 01:50 PM said:
Then it could just be a dirty ROM problem

I don't think so - these ROMs save properly with other emulators.
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