Emulators On Yinlips


Still Fresh
After spending a couple of days with the new Yinlips ydpg18 (android 2.3.4) i have to say that emulation runs pretty well on it.
These are the emulators that i have tried:

- Ataroid
- GameBoid (build in)
- GBCoid (build in)
- Gensoid (build in)
- MAME4droid
- N64oid (build in)
- Nesoid (build in)
- SNesoid (build in)
- UAE4Droid
- ViceC64
- FPse (build in)

Apart from the Soundbug in the new Yinlips (serious audiolag) all the emulators run really well. N64oid is another story because some games run great and others not.
I am very pleased to see UAE4Droid and ViceC64 running smooth as i am a fan of Commodore.

So preformance is good on the Yinlips.

Controls aren't the best (Caanoo buttons are way better) but it's playable. They are stiff and a bit hard to push.
Played a whole night and not really had problems with my fingers.
Also the battery didn't run out that night so that's also a great point.

Edit: Just recieved a HDMI cable and that's freaking awesome!! Looks really great on a 46inch tv!

Edit: I'm really suprised at how well the PSX emulator FPse works. Really impressive!

And then there is the downside of the Yinlips:
- brightness. Screen looks good in the dark but not in daylight.
- soundlag. It's got a soundlag of almost a second. Someone posted video of it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80sPFqIvW0s