Estimate Position

Jul 3, 2007
Paris France
Visit site
Hi all,

Many people like me really likes to know an estimation of their position in the first batch, but I don't want to disturbs OP team with my obsession.
So, some of you know their position, can you please send your estimated position and the date of your order, so we can build a table to summarise that and hope never see again someone asked for "how can I get my estimated queue position ?"

Here is a quick view off all that was sends.

It's real mess in the early time, and later we can see crazy things probably due to cancelled order

position date
320 2/3h after opening
300 20080930
550 20080930
560 20081003
1900 20081002
1400 20090205
2900 20090411
2300 20091014
3900 200911xx
Beepo said:
560ish and ordered 2nd or 3rd of October 2008
seriously? i always figured i was somewhere way beyond the 500 mark but i ordered only 2-3 hours after ordering started (the site was not coping with the load at the time) so maybe im in the first 500! yaaay!
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RenegadeChic said:
Beepo said:
560ish and ordered 2nd or 3rd of October 2008
seriously? i always figured i was somewhere way beyond the 500 mark but i ordered only 2-3 hours after ordering started (the site was not coping with the load at the time) so maybe im in the first 500! yaaay!

i ordered in the first 2-3 hours as well and im between 320 and 340 apparently. you're probably in luck ;)
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I ordered @EvilDragon's shop on 30. september. As far as I know I'm about #300 on HIS list. (from comparing order-numbers)
quite unfair as I needed several hours to place my order because of server unresponsiveness.
Don't forget that ED gets some of the 500(circa 25%), _if_ we still talk about 500. We should know more tomorrow :)

This post was supposed to be a few spots earlier..
There are multiple lists, and as near as I can tell the numbers are generated by finding the person in the list and going "somewhere about X% down, so number X*40 give or take 50 units"
In other words, totally not accurate in any way, shape, or form, and people should probably stop asking :p
I ordered mine on 10-14-09. I am between 2,300 and 2,400. Ugh!!!
I will probably receive my iPad first. Ugh!!!

I really wish that Chinese factory would have pumped out the 4,000 cases before their New Year.

Eagerly awaiting....... :pandora2ut4:
I ordered at EvilDragons shop:

Time ordered: 17:12 (I guess that's CET, I don't remember)
Date Ordered: Tuesday 30 September, 2008
Order Number: 2433

EvilDragon said once that he got roughly one fourth of all preorders (~1000) and that all of his orders until 21:00-23:00 were among the 250 first. That's all the information I can contribute.
I ordered 5 units on September 30, 2008 from Craig's store. My order confirmation email came at 7:23am(Pacific standard time)! I am in Las Vegas, Nevada USA! As of December 16, 2009 My order was 250-350, as per Jacquelyn's email to me!

I hope this helps, but I doubt it! :p

My order was confirmed 10th of Oct '09, and I'm position 2500-2600 approx.

I just emailed and asked, got a reply a day or so later :)
I ordered three units 7 minutes after Jumpman and I am between 700-800 :blink:
antheus123 said:
2nd october 2008 1900-2000 yeah i can't work it out either :rolleyes:

I'm earlier than that, having ordered later...

It seems to me that order position is no more accurate than shipping date. Possibly less - and far too liable to change as the number of quitters increases, to be replaced by new orders. I'm assuming that once an order is cancelled everyone moves up a position, of course.
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