GP32 Final Fantasy Tactics Remake for GP32 isn't dead


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
Nope. It isn't dead. And to show it's not dead, go here to see the screenshot:

As you can see right now, it's just a little isometric tile engine. The reason it's taking me so long is because I was pretty busy earlier, but now that I have a base to work with, I should get a lot more progress. But I still need the tiles and static sprites (trees, houses, etc.) from FFT!

Here's some information:

- Everything is modular so far. FFT remake should be able to easily be ported to another platform.

- The isometric engine is also modular with comments-o-plently, which means to port it, all that needs to be changed is the system-specific parts.

- When I finish the isometric engine, I'll be releasing it either as a library or full source code free for use under GPL or something.

- I'll also be releasing the FFT remake's source code when I'm done with it.

Again, lemme remind everyone that I need the background sprites (trees, houses, pics of spells, etc.) from FFT. I'll even accept your personal renditions of the sprites, or stuff ripped from FFTA. Right now I'm using a tool to pre-rotate tiles I got off a website.

[EDIT] Now the screenshot should be working. Oh, and I also have the sprites for all the characters and weapons, so don't worry about that. [/EDIT]

Edit: Wait. Are you making just the engine or are you also making the game?
Wow! Sounds really great! I hope it doesn't turn out that it becomes too complex and you cancel the project.
Another question, do you plan on having the same audio, music, and sound effects? And you won't have the cinematics of course, right?
- I'm not sure what I'm going to do for the music yet. My plan is to add in a MP3 library which can deal with my PSF rips.

- The cinematic movies really weren't very impressive to begin with (SD characters), and there was only one or two of them. They're last on my list of priorities.

[EDIT] Thanks for the link Icefox, but I already have all those sprites. Like I said, I need trees, houses, etc. [/EDIT]
RoboJoe32 posted on Oct 27 2003 at 06:04 AM said:
w00t! No kiddified BS-ified FFT for me!
Yea, that would certainly be nice to have a GBA clone un-kiddyfied.

And why shouldn't we be able to have movies? Maybe you could code GPCinema or MoviePark into it, or make your own movie player.

Or mystik movie.
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A FFT FOR GP32 : A DREAM !!!!!

You got all my support & courage for this !
(I can offer this only unfortunatly ;) )
Cooool sounds great (Screen shots arent working for me)

How big will this be to fit on a SMC Card when its finished??
Generalnmx, I will try and do some sprite ripping for you in awhile, but have the flu right now(not the good gp type) and am kinda nowhere near my psx or my commlinks card, but will help once I am able!

Wow, I love FFT. It was great on PS1, but not so good the second time around on GBA.
I am making something semi similar to this but i think 1 part of it would be handy for your game.

How long would you say the longest and shortest cinematics run for would you say? or even just a basic idea of runtime? i have a way to implement them into the game if they dont run to long.

Well I'm posting like this until hando checks his email.

I don't understand why everyone is getting so worked up about the cinematics. Off the top of my head, there are only cinematics at the start of the game. Everything else is your standard slide-show like scenes, or "scripted" scenes using sprites. The starting cinematic only lasts about 2 minutes and has nothing to do with the story, so I'm putting it on my lowest priority. But they will be implemented, if I have time.