Firmware Update Or New Recovery Tool For Dingoo ?


Still Fresh
Jan 2, 2004
Hello all !

I've just find this on an official site (first news of the 09 Jully):

And the thing is here...

Does someone know or understand what it is ? A new version of the recovery tool or a new firmware ? You've got a HXF inside but from the 29 April and the "google translation" says "Burning software (new)"... One more thing, the file is named "ILI9331". Is it only for the white Dingoo ? Arhh, chinese mysteries...

That is most likely just the updated recovery and image for the dingoo's that have the newer lcd, just going by the file name since that model is the new lcd. It needs different initialization values so the old tools wont work
it's simply the recovery tool for the "new" LCD.

shameless plug: I made a zip file that has the flash tool, a readme using the exact text in the flash tool, the *.dl files for both lcd versions, 3 firmware versions, the needed USB drivers and the default emulators and system directory. (75mb)