Friday The 15Th.

Umm, didn't those pictures in the blog show awesome slikscreening? they looked fine to me.

So, was the 15th a projected date for the cases? I never really saw.
Willrandship said:
Umm, didn't those pictures in the blog show awesome slikscreening? they looked fine to me.

So, was the 15th a projected date for the cases? I never really saw.
The 15th is the day the factory is due to be done with the "revision3" test cases! The factory normally sends pics to the team members, and then they ship them out. Craig has been on the down low today, so no one knows if they got finished today or not. Craig said that they where still on schedule to be done today, so we should here something over the weekend! <_< Hopefully!

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Craig, if you are reading this, please put away the Vodka bottle for once and let us know if the case really did ship yesterday or not.
I got up this morning expecting to see some news about the cases,but I havent seen any. Looks like another weekend of waiting and possibly not hearing a thing.
kingoddball said:

No. no. no. The down triangle and the diamond need to be switched around.</SarcasticTroll>
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There will be another pandara spot open come monday, as I have need of the money .Here we go with no knowledge about anything. All the hype about the 15th, and not a word out of Craig. Just a simple yes or know to the cases, but I cant even get that much. I havent been waiting as long as some, but enough already. I have been waiting for more than six months though, and have nothing to show for my time waiting.
Greenie said:
There will be another pandara spot open come monday, as I have need of the money .Here we go with no knowledge about anything. All the hype about the 15th, and not a word out of Craig. Just a simple yes or know to the cases, but I cant even get that much. I havent been waiting as long as some, but enough already. I have been waiting for more than six months though, and have nothing to show for my time waiting.
The only thing we know is that the factory have said that they would produce the new cases on Friday. They have not said when they will ship the cases nor when/if they will contact OP. I'm sure OP will let us know as soon as they themselves know anything. Personally I'm not expecting any news until Monday at the earliest.
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Not a word heard out of MWeston worries me much more.
It really hurts to see, that even such "small" announcements are never in time with the Answers. When I calculate the Factory releated delays up to the whole country of China, I really wonder, how such a Land can even exist in the 21. Century.
I think it is really recommended first to make a trip to Cina and speak with the Factory guys before you make windy contracts with imaginairy deadline dates. AFAIK (watched some interesting TV Docu's) you can't make serious business in China before you and your Partners started with a huge buisiness-Diner with lots of Alc and after this going thogehter with the chinese partners in the next brothel. :D This way, contracts were sealed in China. ;)
kaprikawn said:
10 Print "Are we there yet?"
20 Goto 10
      #include <time.h>
      #include <stdio.h>
     #include <stdlib.h>
       int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         time_t raw;
         struct tm *localt;
         localt = localtime (&raw);
         localt->tm_mon += 2;
         printf("Pandora release date: %s", asctime(localt));

Probably works.

Edit: Yeah it works.
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Apparently the mould company was contracted before. The current project is just more complex, obviously.
Hope we get some good news next week.

I personally would love to see some more video from evildragon. He started a series of video about the OS... hope it continues. I am sure there is still plenty to show. I would like to see bluetooth and wifi in action in particular.
I can understand he's busy though.
fusion_power said:
Not a word heard out of MWeston worries me much more.
It really hurts to see, that even such "small" announcements are never in time with the Answers. When I calculate the Factory releated delays up to the whole country of China, I really wonder, how such a Land can even exist in the 21. Century.
I think it is really recommended first to make a trip to Cina and speak with the Factory guys before you make windy contracts with imaginairy deadline dates. AFAIK (watched some interesting TV Docu's) you can't make serious business in China before you and your Partners started with a huge buisiness-Diner with lots of Alc and after this going thogehter with the chinese partners in the next brothel. :D This way, contracts were sealed in China. ;)

We should send craig with a few bottle of vodka then. Problem solved. :rolleyes:
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marshal said:
Hope we get some good news next week.

I personally would love to see some more video from evildragon. He started a series of video about the OS... hope it continues. I am sure there is still plenty to show. I would like to see bluetooth and wifi in action in particular.
I can understand he's busy though.
Web surfing :)
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Butterman said:
Edit: Yeah it works.
Pandora release date: Sat Mar 16 23:03:52 2010
sh: pause: command not found

Very portable (TM)
- and there's a possibility (in the future, i hope this would never have happened for real) of overflowing the month
- and some other minor details
How about this:
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
        time_t raw;
        struct tm *localt;

        localt = localtime (&raw);

        localt->tm_mon += 2;
        if (localt->tm_mon > 11) {
                localt->tm_mon -= 11;
                localt->tm_year += 1;

        printf("Pandora release date: %s", asctime(localt));
        return 0;
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Greenie said:
There will be another pandara spot open come monday, as I have need of the money .Here we go with no knowledge about anything. All the hype about the 15th, and not a word out of Craig. Just a simple yes or know to the cases, but I cant even get that much. I havent been waiting as long as some, but enough already. I have been waiting for more than six months though, and have nothing to show for my time waiting.

"All the hype about the 15th" is generated by the forum, if there is any "hype" to speak of. A what to the cases? A yes or "know" to them having been produced, been sent to MW, having arrived or having been OKed for mass production? Which of these would you have expected to happen? What word out of craig are you expecting, apart from what you already got, which is that according to the email, they might or might not have finished mould modification this friday?
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Moxie said:
Greenie said:
There will be another pandara spot open come monday, as I have need of the money .Here we go with no knowledge about anything. All the hype about the 15th, and not a word out of Craig. Just a simple yes or know to the cases, but I cant even get that much. I havent been waiting as long as some, but enough already. I have been waiting for more than six months though, and have nothing to show for my time waiting.

"All the hype about the 15th" is generated by the forum, if there is any "hype" to speak of.

Indeed. This is all we got:
[quote name ='Email from China in blogpost 06 January 2010']sorry, after i discussed with our technician and we found all of
modifications would be finished on Jan.15,2010.[/quote]
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Im just talking to the force field around the team Moxie, you are one of them, You cant even speak the truth, the 15th was a date that was given to us by craig himself in ana email from the factory. so how can the 15th have been generated by the this forum, when it was given to us by craig himself. and the time zone is a no brainer, it is still saturday in china, and not friday, when we were told we would here something. go back and get together with one of the other force field members around the team and that is awakening. yall never do anyhting except to defned the team against any and all comers, regardless of the truth. This project is out of control and they have no idea with what to do, except to tell the hard working paying customers, who put their faith and money into this project, and to get the cold shoulder. Im glad you two like yourselves so much, im ashamed at my self into believing this project when I firsr heard about it. everyone was so talkative, now all the security agents do is defend the team, and dont care that it was the customers who casuded the project and forum to be built..
Chip said:
There's no point in getting worked up now. The factory may or may not finish and ship the new revision on the 15th, but then they're going to take at least 3 days to get to Craig. Then a couple more days for samples to go out to MWeston and ED, and maybe a few more days before everybody decides whether they're acceptable. And that's if the factory finishes and ships them tomorrow. They haven't exactly been the pinnacle of punctuality so far.

So relax. Nothing is going to happen for several days yet, and I'm sure OP will let us know when something does happen.

Quoting myself, because apparently you folks with all the unreasonable expectations missed it the first time. If nobody has posted an update, it is because there isn't an update yet. You'll know what's going on as soon as there is something to know.
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