GP32 and a Mac


Still Fresh
Jun 10, 2003


I usually use a mac (I have an xp system, but its kindof screwed up....) and was wondering if it is possible to load programs onto the Gp32 unit from a mac. I have a smartcard adaptor already, but am concerned about whether there are drivers for the mac, or if drivers are neccessary to load games.

you gotta register it first with PC but then everything else you can do on mac. i use it everyday

I usually use a mac (I have an xp system, but its kindof screwed up....) and was wondering if it is possible to load programs onto the Gp32 unit from a mac. I have a smartcard adaptor already, but am concerned about whether there are drivers for the mac, or if drivers are neccessary to load games.

Nope. Once you register with Game Park on a PC, you're home free. I have a Power Mac Dual G4, and I use a SMC reader for all my GP32 needs. You don't need drivers or anything, unless you want to plug your GP32 directly into your Mac (for use with Mr Spiv's excellent maclink and upzpk tools). In that case, you'll need to flash your firmware with Mr Spiv's multifirmware (there's a FAQ for this on
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i use a mac g3 laptop and use a SMC *and* a re-flashed gp32.

I flashed it cos i found some games messed up the SMC when drag and dropped onto the SMC using the reader, meaning i had an unuseable SM card until i could take it back to a friends PC

Flashing it with MWfirmware means i can now use the excellant maclink, and also format SMC using the GP32 itself.

Other than that the mac works fine, the SMC reader is great and much much faster than using pclink, esp. with MP3s