Gp32linux And Opie :) [pda]

iorgy > strange
it s normal to have a red then grey screen
but then after some time you should see a tux logo
no gif, gif is patented, patents=shit

>Keithmcfc> thanks for the bad advice
freesweb = shit, i uploaded 10 MB , then i got a message
cant upload files > 700KB !!!
thats why i was asking for someone who can give some space
meh oh well lol it ok for my site lmao im happy with it.

and the banner on my site is a jpg

is it because its in a subfolder in HTML?

dus it have to be in the same folder as the index000??

if so i will change the code and try again.
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<ingeras> if you hate freehosts and if you have flatrate (DSL preferably) you could go in a channel in IRC (for example #gp32linux @ efnet) and set up a fileserver where you can share your files first. then some people who get it from there may make some http or ftp mirrors.
you can set up a fileserver with mIRC modifications, for example
Sysreset 2.53 or Invision . Google a bit, im too lazy to do that, sorry ^^

Of course i would test if dcc send works for you anyway and if there are fserv tools for linux if you using that OS :p

If that all doesnt work; tomorrow i can set up a ftp and let it run, its about 26kb/s upload , what is not very much... so maybe it would be the best to search for a good freehost.. :ph34r: whatever
no one with some web or ftp space ?

I don`t have a web site, yet.
I do have some web space and would be willing to host
the file for you, If you havn`t already found a host.

Just let me know and i will pm you my email address and post you
the link to your file.

EDIT: I on DSL btw.

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thanks for answers
i found a host [thanks to Junga], and a good one (fast, 100MB space)
it should be ready in 13h
ok i finally tried it out, too....
this is what i did:
1. downloaded all the files from your lycos site for gp32linux and placed where they shall go.
2. no files have extensions except bootload.fxe and the html thingy
3. all files except bootloader and the html stuff are in gp:/gpmm/linux
4. i edited the file "start" this way:
changed #./kbill -qws to ./kbill -qws

always get the error, same as in all previous versions i tried:
sh: cant access tty; job control turned off

what can i do? i tried lauching with pacrom and the newest gp32 blu euro firmware.
not that i only tried kbill, calculator and minesweep dont work too.

help :(

btw: using the nochat file, dont have a chatboard (yet).
always get the error, same as in all previous versions i tried:
sh: cant access tty; job control turned off
That's a perfectly normal error, it just means it can't access the keyboard. Which isn't weird, because you have none. Even the people with a chatboard get it. The thing you need to be looking for is something like: Can't open file /mnt/gpmm/linux/start. Because this means that you probably edited the file with wordpad, and not notepad. For some reason wordpad screws up the file. So, take the original file, then open it with notepad.
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hehe, now thats some funny error =)
i'll try it asap.

edit: k, works! :)
thank you, awesome work :)
I think that you sould put the next distro in a zip file insted of just a bunch of loose files. It would be much easier to install.

I think you should make the control scheme like this:
Joystick= Mouse mouvement
A= Left Click
B= Right Click
Select= Middle Click
Start= Settings
R= Virtual Keyboard (50% transparent and goes ontop of screen)
L= Shortcut key (Runs a program picked in the Settings)

Also once again the screen should be rotated or at least be an option in the settings.
screen rotation
in start , you see this
export QWS_KEYBOARD=TTY:/dev/tty0
export QWS_SIZE=240x320
#export QWS_SIZE=320x240
#export QWS_DISPLAY=Transformed:Rot270:0
change it to

export QWS_KEYBOARD=TTY:/dev/tty0
#export QWS_SIZE=240x320
export QWS_SIZE=320x240
export QWS_DISPLAY=Transformed:Rot270:0

and u will have your rotated screen

dont expect a virtual keyboard soon,
oh , well someone wrote a driver
but it has to be adapted
and for now i think toholl will work on the smc write support

i am busy with my thesis
and there are other priorities
like make it use less ram so it loads quicker
and other things

about start
i think there is also multi language support
try to add
after the exports above

export LANG=de
export LC_ALL=de
Multi Language Support +_+

just wanna unifont write support! (like kor, jap, chi)

text editor, dictionary, scheduler and web browser!! it's PDA!! +_+

p.s : flash player with linux will be masterpiece gp32 app. :)

you are genius guys of the world!!
In short: Wow! I can now download webpages to my GP32, and view them at my leisure! Thanks ingeras!
a true browser
with gif support
i hoped it will be faster , but i think in fact it s even slower than the 2 others :(
this one doesnt use qt or opie
and dont have a nice file select window like the 2nd one i released
links complains that it can't write a config file, which makes sense since the filesystem is readonly, as far as i know. all i need to do is copy and overwrite the files in the archive, right? the other two browsers worked fine
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I don't think that Linux is useless on GP32, but yet I think that a webbrowser is. At least my GP has no connection to the Internet. :/

Anyways. Good to see progress. Looking forward to a flash and pdf player. :)