Gph Store


Jul 27, 2010
Cape Town, South Africa
Hi everyone,

I emailed Tony from GPH yesterday regarding the app store and he assures me that his developers are working on the non-Korean PC manager issue. He also says that the app store is open (I assume for Korean owners only at the moment) and that developers can already upload their apps/games for sale. Furthermore, Tony says that money will be paid directly into foreign bank accounts, so no PayPal or other 3rd party is required.

Having said that, has anyone managed to register as a seller?

Kind regards
I'm interested in this, and I'm interested in the GBAX store as well, for the Pandora.

Hands up who here wants to ride the wave of a new app-store gold rush, eh folks? I can't wait to start gettin' mah pennies! :)

Hehe, true - to me it's about more than just making money (which I would like to do). It's about getting your name out there and saying "look at what I made" :) Peter and I have some interesting plans brewing...
I was considering using it as a way for donating. Committing a freeware and a paid version of the same game. Maybe it is easier to just make a paypal account, or something like flattr. But who knows, maybe there is a big market in Korea we don't know about :eek:

torpor said:
I'm interested in this, and I'm interested in the GBAX store as well, for the Pandora.

Hands up who here wants to ride the wave of a new app-store gold rush, eh folks? I can't wait to start gettin' mah pennies! :)


Gold Rush! hmmm ... I wonder how much gold there is to rush for.
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