Gpx2's New Name Is Gp2x

Yeah, at least they didn't do a Gizmondo on us. I mean, GP2X may be a horrible middle of the road choice (*yaaaaawn*) but it could be worse - we could have been here in a few month's time playing with our GPenis's.
Squidge posted on Sep 1 2005 at 03:12 PM said:
I remember this quote that was said once at our company:

"All the good names have already been taken by companies that are competent".

I was struggling to hold my laughter after hearing that :)

hehehe "Damn, if we were smarter that'd be us right now!" But yeah I presume this is what happened. It's still pretty out of their control.

If you want to say it was a waste of time I won't argue with you, frankly like I said I personally felt it was useless for previously stated reasons but they did give it a shot and they did try to include everyone with a chance to take part in naming it and I dont see anything wrong with that.
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Nothing that furthers publicity is a waste of time. ;)

GPH got more attention and press from the contest. And that makes it worth it regardless of outcome.
I don't care if they call it the Brittany Spears Mark 2 so long as it works and works well.

My names all sucked...

Limo - Linux Installed Media Organizer

and I think another or two that were bad.
I think it's a good name.

I hate stupid names with irrelevant words in them like "zodiac" or "saturn".

GP2x = GamePark2x
Its cool really. Basically named after this site.
I should have sumbmitted stuff like

Those would have had a high chance of getting picked I bet. has an oddly professional-esque feel. Plus it will reduce the work required to changeover. Regardless, mine shall be called...Lady Marmalade.
well i had actually tried submitting on the site and was unable to do so , so i then went and emailed them directly a number of times with suggestions including gp2x because i remembered stating about it being like similar to the hydrogen /oxygen where it is h2o (h o o) the symbol for water so well just have to see if it is the correct winning entry and who the actual winner is as it is down to timing.
oooh i so hope i win ^U^ but i get the feeling i havent ¬.¬
tommy - i believe the rules stated that they would only accept suggestions posted on the board. If I remeber it even specifically mentioned email asubmissions being not allowed :( sorry :(
well im sorry but they accepted mine they emailed me and told me so and yes i did send it to them on august 3rd "my name idea is the following

evolution /gp evolution /gpx2 evolution /game play evolution /게임 놀이 기동전개 / 세계적인 당 극치; 게임 당 극치/global party (e)xtreme (2) /game party (e)xtreme.동물 보호 구역은 흥분한다; 게임 놀이 흥분/game play (e)xcite /gp (e)xtreeme (e)xcitement/gp극치 흥분 - (the gpx2 might mean gp xx - like o2 or co2 uses the 2 as a way to emphasise its actually got something of a duality.)such as dual core processor etc etc new horizon.

ok evolution we all know about evolution in people but it is evolution of gaming that is most exciting today so game play evolution means the evolution of gaming and new horizons of gameplay, game play (e)xcite games should be exciting and it is exciting to play new and different games or even just games we love to play its the buzz its the excitement, global party extreme, everyone engaging in a party atmosphere and making it extreme or enjoyable, global party xcite, is the excitement of going to a party with friends wherever it may be ie global as long as your with your friends having fun you can be anywhere. gp2x (gpxx) (e)xtreeme (e)xcitement is when you find out about a new thing such as a new arcade game and get extremely excited about it, you then speak to all your mates about it and it creates a huge buzz around then you finally get to play the game and enjoy the exteme excitement."

i sent a few of these in but only kept this as my copy as i sent loads and loads of ideas.
ok, cool, sorry - I was wrong about the rules.
I also submitted evolution and gp evolution on August 3rd.

good luck :)
when the name is spelled anything like that i come and kill you... i mean your sugestion are just horrible, through youre a lucky bastard.
haha! What do you mean Vimacs? 'Global Party eXtreme' - true, doesn't sound like a handheld, more like a game like 'Sing Star' on PlayStation, but its better than GPEnis!
"Do you have a GPenis in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

But you know what would be even more horrible than GPenis?

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