how did you break in my gym locker

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Mighty D Block
Aug 9, 2003
Adelaide, Australia
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Someone stole my gp32 from my gym locker...since i have windups and in the backround it says hell be here. If i find you u better fucken hope you die on the second i spot you.
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When I was in High school it was easy to break into gym lockers, all you had to do was set up the lock so it was slightly horizontal and then smack it as hard as you can with a shoe. Worked great. Hope this helps protect your stuff. All it takes is a shoe and them babys pop right off, even masterlocks. :p
I used to bring my GP32 to work to listen to Mp3s while i worked, now i rethought that idea and I don't bring it to work. Since i might be one of the only people in western Pa. to have a GP32, it could possibley be considered a "hot commodity".
I really do hope you get your game back. I'd beat him with my GBA if my GP ever got stolen and I found the guy that did it.
Don't be so unsympathetic - the whole idea of GP32 is, as JoyGP puts it :-
"Anytime anywhere - Enjoy your GP life"
i think that you should plunge them into a nightmare world from which there is no return ^_^ or just beat the ever loving crap out of em :) or make them where their ass as a hat :lol: or give em a biiig hug and say "thanks for keeping my gp32 safe for me" :lol: :lol: :lol:
Make a FW that uses the GP32's processor in a way that it creates a magnetic force field around the GP32 if an incorrect password it entered. The force should be so strong that it attaches itself to the person just because of the little iron in him, then prevents him from turning it off/removing the battries/lowering the volume, then make a huge alarm noise that is very annoying. Once the battries run out, I'm sure he'll give it back ;) Or mabye just a FW that password -protected it w/o a punishment if you got it wrong would be simpler ;)
the only problem with that RCX is that the magnetic force would attract all the iron particles from all over the body, the force would not attach the GP to the person but make the particles attach to the GP, here's the cool part. every iron particle would rip through the persons skin and since the particles are so small at the very beginning it would look like a bunch of red pin pokes and would progessively get larger, not killing the person, but probably enough to make him cry home to mommy. :p
Remove all iron and the person will die, iron is an important part of blood.
Well then add a warning message "Get spinach ready, but far away from here..." then do a blast for 20sec, then it says "Go eat the spinach NOW or you will die!" :p only problem is that it wouldn't be digested fast enough :\
Remove all iron and the person will die, iron is an important part of blood.

Sorry to be pedantic, but I think you'll find it'd be difficult to remove this iron with a magnet, as it would be in complex compounds with other elements, mostly oxygen, and iron oxides are not magnetic.


Sorry, couldn't resist :D
I NEVER sotre my gp32 in any locker in a public places, unless it was a police station. I always get scared when stuff like that happens to me. Or you can install a hardware soo you can track down your gp32
lol, got ur back bro. If anyone ever took my stuff outa my locker... :ph34r:

Edit: typing error
I'll buy the wet fish to wallop him across his smutty arse....

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