How do I get an emu to work?

I downloaded SMS32 and followed the readme.txt file.

I have a 128mb card that I formatted using the PC-link program and I got an MP3 working so I know it's not the card.

I copied over a rom and put it in the SMS32 folder.
I copied over the SMS32.fxe file and put in the root of the GPMM folder.

I start up the GP32 and go to "games" - I get nothing.

Keep in mind that my GP32 is from Korea directly so all my menus are in Korean.
Sorry for probably stating the obvious but have you installed the Free-launcher?

This software allows you to launch freesoftware....e.g. Emulators

You need to register your GP32 and download it from the site... Click on the English tab in the top right and away you go. There are several FAQs around, that go into more detail. One is here

Hope this helps
