How do I replicate the "move windows with shift key" trick in my laptop?


Very Active Member
Jan 8, 2010
I don't know where to put this question, it's not exactly related to the pandora.

The thing is that I use in my laptop xfce with compiz enabled, and with the last update for my distribution the place windows plugin does not seems to work correctly and the bastard likes to hide the title bar of windows beneath the toolbar.

I have been searching for any workaround and definitely having the same trick we have in the pandora would be a great solution, just use the shift key to move the window where I want. It's an old netbook with a 1024x600 screen so it can become useful when I work without the external monitor and windows don't fit.

I have been looking into the pandora, I can't see anything in the keyboard shortcuts screen, so instructions on how to do this will be welcome.
With Compiz, it is in the Move Window plugin. If that's not working then I don't know what to suggest.

Without Compiz (straight XFCE), you should be able to find it in the Window Manager Tweaks section of the settings menu on the accessibility tab. I have mine set to "super" (ie, windows key) because it is otherwise useless.
Eyy! I've been wondering this, though the other way round, a couple times when windows where larger than the Pandora could show.

Never needed to move those windows though so I never asked...
You are right, I can do this simply with alt key. As wizardstan says there is a plugin for compiz that overrides xfce but it uses the same key.

Don't know how I never found this, I have used xfce for years.

Thanks for the help.
Eyy! I've been wondering this, though the other way round, a couple times when windows where larger than the Pandora could show.

Never needed to move those windows though so I never asked...
Holding the L trigger (shift) you can move windows around. This is configurable in the settings menu as I described. If you're left handed, you can change it to ctrl (the R trigger).