How many people bought the GP32 for its emulators?


Playful/Fascist Mod
Maybe I'll get biased opinions here, but...

Be honest, now. Did you buy the GP32 because of its emulators?

Do you think that the GP32 could have survived outside of Korea without emulators?

Heck, do you even think the GP32 could have survived inside of Korea without emulators?
I bought the GP32 mainly because of the emulators and I doubt the system would be as successful as is without the emulation scene and the GP32 enthusiats - especially the programmers and the well educated scene that does not (usually) scare them off.
However, on the commercial gaming side I really liked Pinball Dreams - can't wait for Pinball Fantasies.
Also the MP3 capability was attractive, but not the main thing.
How many people bought the GP32 for its emulators

Everyone. lol justabout, I know a few people who bought it just for the mp3 and or movie ability. I don't think anyone plopped down 150-200 for the games.
I brought the gp32 cause of this board ;) but i dont use the emulators much i play them and it just makes me feel empty just dont feel right :(

but i love all the homebrew games being made for the gp32 its great :D

I play the homebrew games more than the emulators

The only reason I bought off you was homebrew stuff. There aren't enough commerical games to buy it for that purpose. And there are only a few english commercial titles.
I did :D
Ofcourse the're some good games/ports for the GP32 (Doom :)
But the emulators are so c00l.
Personally, I bought the GP32 for its internet capabilities, so emulators were a neat extra for me. :D
I started considering it when I heard about the emulation, but what finalized the decision was Doom, SCUMM, and MP3 playback (I had been considering a standalone MP3 player). Moviepark helped too--just before getting a GP, I had discovered that Invader Zim episodes were available on Kazaa. I'm not sure if I would have gotten it just for the emulators, but yeah, they were an important part of it.

The GP32 may be the only system I have for which I've never actually bought any games :D
I bought 2 commercial games for it. I only had my eye on one real emulator and that was gpengine. But I'm a huge fan of doom, so I liked the port of that. And when I found out it had open software development, I was set on buying it since I am a programming student and I needed some kind of application for trying to develop software outside of school.
It was the development scene that attracted me... and I haven't been disappointed yet, which isn't hard I guess, since my GP32 just arrived like 30 minutes ago. ;)

But yeah, the abundance of ported emulators was about half the reason I got one, mostly because I love emulators and it helped prove how healthy the dev-scene is.
emulators! well, i had low expectations of SNES and so was surprised to actually give it a shot, but pretty much after GPengine got released I knew I had to have one (I was checking out Turboexpress auctions on ebay, prior..)

the prospects of Genesis, and Mame of course, also fueled my desire. If I'd waited longer (and PCE Advance for GBA was at it's current state) I'd likely still not have bought a GP32 by now. Again, Gen and Mame would clinch it for me, but it's nice to see where NES emulation has got to (better presentation than pocketNES in my opinion) at this point so I might've been further swayed.

haven't loaded any MP3s or Divx onto the thing yet, nor have I bought any GP32 games (though if cutey fatty goes up on joyGP then I'll definitely DL)
The main reason why i bought was becasue of emulation. At the time i thought it could emulate snes at almost full speed and gba at a playable speed.
I would have to say the Master System emulator. I've always wanted a Game Gear, but the fact that it took 6 batteries at a time, and ate them up in about 3 hours, kinda turned me off. Also the screen is tiny, and games are rare nowadays, esp in Australia.

The GP32 came with all that and a hell of a lot more.
Scumm looked very impressive and a library of systems to carry around seemed cool. As did the movie and mp3 playback. Its the perfect travel toy!
i was actually looking for a hendheld with emulation capabilities (mainly c64 - a hundred games in your pocket) when i stumbeld across a gp ad. the real kick-ass thing is the linux project which i hope will be available soon.
greetz qgi