How To Make A Linux Skin/theme?


Duke Nukem 3D = Crazy Delicious!
I'm assuming there's a guide out there on how to make skins for the GP2X. Could anyone point me in the right direction? (Search turned up nothing)

i think most people just download a skin of someone elses and use it as a template.
Download the default skin, then replace the images with those you create, then run 'imgall.gpu'

I use MS Paint for all of my skins (Linux and Gmenu) and then run the PNGs through irFanView to set the transparencies. I know it's not the smartest way to do it but I prefer pixellicious graphics to smooth JPG looking graphics. Meh.
The_MorMor said:
How do you create animated icons ?
The process for making animated icons is the same, essentially, as the process for static icons. The only difference is that the static icon PNG is several icons across the top of a long screen that is blank the rest of the way down where the animated icon PNG would have each "frame" of animation below the top icon... sort of like this:


The left two icons are tests I'm working on for a Metal Slug theme, it's not done but you should get a good idea of what's going on.
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