I Made My Own Glass Screen


Virtual Boy
Jan 23, 2004
The A
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mashmods is charging 13 dollars for send in glass screens
i made my own glass screen that looks great and it costed me a total of 4 dollars and about 15 minutes of labor

it looks great
much better than the crap plastic one
Enslaved posted on Jul 16 2004 at 06:15 PM said:
Is it the same thickness as the original screen? Where did you get it cut? I wan't to do that too.
it a little thicker
maybe by only a milimeter though
it looks good
i had a local glass cuter cut it
so i techincally didn't make it
but its not from mashmods

it well worth it
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I don't... I could make some, but there's not much to see (well, it's just a glass cover, what did you expect??)
I took my old screen along to a glass place in town and asked for a piece of glass the same size expecting to pay a few quid for it, but the guy gave me it for nothing. Five minutes to take the grey screen guard off with some feeler-gauges and job done.

I would advise anyone thinking of doing this mod NOT to just re-use the black sticky stuff only -- use some silicon sealant to keep the screen on because my glass screen became unstuck when I was moving house and put a lovely scratch across the FLU panel. I have now removed the FLU panel and siliconed my glass screen and surround on, much more secure. (Still it's a good reason to buy a BLU!!)