Release IOQuake 3


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is IOQuake 3, compiled with GLES renderer.


You'll need the "pak0.pk3" file from your original Quake3Arena CD to play this games. Just put the file inside "appdata/ioquake3/baseq3" folder.

Left Nub is defined as Joystick (and is usable in the game), Right Nub as Mouse (to aim)

There is a default setup, similar to the one in OpenArena:

DPad/Left Nub for Up/Down/Straffe Left/Strafe Right

Left Shoulder button for Fire

{Y} for Jump

{B} for Crouch

O and P for Previous / Next Weapon.


History log


Build 04


  • New QVM with Dynarec
Build 03


  • Compatible with newer SGX Video Drivers
  • moved "nubs files" from appdata/ioquake3/home to appdata/ioquake3
Build 02

  • fixed some bugs on the GLES context creation.
  • added the ability to change nubs function (see files left_nub and right_nub in appdata/ioquake3/home)
  • added toggleCrouch, disabled by default, and activable by adding the following line to config file (appdata/ioquake3/home/.q3a/baseq3/q3config.cfg): seta in_toggleCrouch "1"

Build 01


  • Initial build
  • No VOIP for this build.

For those interested, here are the sources: it's a diff to apply the the git sources: ioq3pandora.tar.gz, or you can use this git repo:

Happy fragging...


  • ioq3pandora.tar.gz
    23.3 KB · Views: 361
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Many thanks for the port, was wondering, does this include mouse support?
thanks a lot! Perfect for a lan party, once I get a TVout cable : )

Quake is awesome!
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You know I have to say wholeheartedly that you could not have made this game any easier to download and play.

This has come a long way.  ;)
Got my full version of Quake 3 working fine.  Steam version datafiles work.  Is there a way to install and play Quake 3 Team Arena as well?
Got my full version of Quake 3 working fine.  Steam version datafiles work.  Is there a way to install and play Quake 3 Team Arena as well?
I haven't tested, but you should put the corresponding pk3 files inside appdata/ioquake3/missionpack and it should works.
Console works too, that was a bug in the prior attempts..

great work!

I only wish Urban Terror mod would work, but that's a problem with some x86 specific garbage in the mod.
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Got my full version of Quake 3 working fine.  Steam version datafiles work.  Is there a way to install and play Quake 3 Team Arena as well?
I have tested it, works like a charm. Just copy the folder missionpack in the same place baseq3 folder is found (within appdata folder). Thank you PtitSeb!
Great !

We can't lower the brightness ?
You can, but you have to do it in cfg file directly :( . It's in /appdata/ioquake3/home/.q3a/baseq3 and it's called q3config.cfg

The parameter itself is "r_gamma". I've set it to "2" (I've been a bit heavy this time, but I like it clear), put "1.5" for less saturated colors.
Got my full version of Quake 3 working fine.  Steam version datafiles work.  Is there a way to install and play Quake 3 Team Arena as well?

I have tested it, works like a charm. Just copy the folder missionpack in the same place baseq3 folder is found (within appdata folder). Thank you PtitSeb!
Thanks for the instructions! My 64 gig card is filling up fast, lol
I only wish Urban Terror mod would work, but that's a problem with some x86 specific garbage in the mod.
Urban Terror doesn't look like a mod anymore. It's a full game, using a probably customized ioquake engine. I cannot find the source of the modification on the site,maybe it's not public?
The mod itself can still be downloaded.. but I don't think it was ever open sourced. 
Same question as in OpenArena:

For next version, I'll try to put the Joystick Nub to true analog (i.e. it's not just like DPad, full forward is run, a bit forward is walk) and give the possibility to exchange left/right nub (via text file modification).

Question is, do you want "toggle crouch" (press crouch one time to stay crouch, press again or jump to "uncrouch") or I left current behavour (press to crouch, release button to uncrouch)?